Kinder Week 3 (T/TH)

  The JOY of the Lord is my STRENGTH. Nehemiah 8:10 | Joy of the ...

I am looking forward to another great week of learning! The kids are doing great learning classroom procedures and I am enjoying getting to know them! We are spending time each day focusing on a certain "Fruit of the Spirit" and discussing ways to grow them in our heart.  We not only hope to train their minds, but their hearts as well, so that we all may become more like Christ each day.

***Our first Pizza Day of the year will be on Thursday, August 29th!  On the last Thursday of every month we will have pizza delivered to school...a day off from packing a lunch! If you haven't signed up (and you would like your child to have pizza each month) there was a link sent out in an email to get signed up for that (Gluten free option is available this year).  If you still need a spirit shirt or a sweatshirt please let Mrs. Johnson at the front desk know and she can pull one for you.

*** I have just begun to add a few objectives and assessments to Alma.  Please go to and log in. Alma not pay any attention to percentages!  The percentages do not equate to the grade or your child's performance.  Your child has mastered the given objective when they have a 3 or 4.  Any objectives that your child has a 2 in is what your child needs some extra practice in (beyond what is assigned on the blog).  If you are not able to log in or have questions about Alma please email Nelo at

Love, Miss Chun

Important Dates:
8/29- Spirit Day/Pizza Day/DOGS Day! Students may wear Fortis t-shirts along with jeans or shorts on Spirit Days. Pizza lunch will be served for those who have prepaid. If you have not filled out the form to purchase pizza for the year, you can do that HERE,  Dads of Godly Students (DOGS) will present a fun assembly for the students and visit with them during their lunch time. 
9/3- No School: Labor Day

  •  Please remember to do the "Introduction" and "One Step Further" at the bottom of the pages.
  • This is a great week to introduce those Subitizing (dot) cards at home, and begin building that number sense! Click here for dot cards up to 14, but focus on the ones up to ten for now.  You can also make your own using index cards and "garage sale" stickers.  Make sure to offer several different ways to show each number (ex: 6 can be 3 and 3, 4 and 2, 5 and 1, etc.)  Show the card for 3 seconds then put it down.  Ask them how many dots they saw and how they saw it (2 on top and 2 on bottom, 1 on top, 3 on bottom, etc.)
  •  Please use this time to go over letter sounds! (Yellow Phonograms)
  •  Please be working with your student on letter recognition, both upper and lower case letters.  We will begin reading short vowel words next week!
  • PHONEMIC AWARENESS: to reinforce our Spelling segmenting lesson, we like to have "Turtle Talk" at school. Our puppet, Tudley, says a 3 sound word slowly (ex: /p/ /e/ /t/) and the student has to blend the word and say it. This is a great activity for driving in the car!
  • Ideas: *call out a phonogram's sounds and have student write the letter with sidewalk chalk, wet paintbrush on sidewalk, shaving cream, a tray with sand or salt, playdough, etc. * Play hopscotch with phonograms. They have to say the sound before hopping to the next.
  • Read quality literature to your child to encourage the love of beautiful books!
    • Remember to reinforce letter practice on lined handwriting paper, especially if your child is needing additional letter practice. Click HERE to download printable handwriting lines similar to what we use in class.
    • Please have your child practice writing their first name correctly (beginning with a capital and the rest lower case).
    • Check for proper grip and that your child is starting their letter formation in the correct spot (never from the bottom).
    •  Click here for a short video to help with correct pencil grip and using the handwriting paper correctly.
    • Your student does not need to bring their handwriting books to school.

    •  Introduce blue Key card 1 and 2.*Please make sure to go over yellow phonogram cards at least twice per homeschool day. Also, keep practicing segmenting words. It is a crucial step for reading!

    • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/19

    Memory Work: 
    •  Please work on memorizing our beautiful poem "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 26th.  The scripture at the top of the page is not required, but is suggested!
    K week 38/26/20248/27/20248/28/20248/29/20248/30/20249/2/2024Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipPrudence: The ability to discern what is good and right and act accordingly. "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Titus 2:11-13Check ALMA at to see how your child is doing on the objectives that we have introduced and I have assessed so far.
    Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Read aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Read aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Read aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Picture Day on Tuesday
    BibleFruit of the Spirit: PATIENCEDiscuss ways to show patience at home and at school.Fruit of the Spirit: KINDNESSDiscuss ways to show kindness at home and at school.
    MathEM-A p25-26EM-A p27-29EM-A p30-33EM-A p34-36EM-A p37-40EM-A p41-44
    SpellingAAS-Step 3AAS-Step 3 p25-27 key card 1,2
    NEW AAS: Lesson 4 rule card 1
    AAS-Step 3AAS-Step 3 p25-27 key card 1,2
    NEW AAS: Lesson 4 rule card 1
    Review segmenting words and Step 1-3 (Lessons 1-4)Link to optional activity directions can be found HERE.
    WritingN,MHWT-p12 (N,M)Frog Jump capitals, HHWT-p13 (frog jump capitals)
    ReadingPhonogram games and activities
    *Introduction to Tudley!
    Go over yellow Phonogram cards at least 2X/dayPhonogram games and activitiesGo over yellow Phonogram cards at least 2X/dayWe will begin reading short vowel words next week! Please make sure your child knows all of his/her letters and basic letter sounds
    EnrichmentRead Aloud: How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
    Pledge of Allegiance
    Still Life with Apples by Vincent van Gogh
    "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key
    The read aloud will be done on school days. You are encouraged to practice the poem, discuss the art piece, and listen to the music piece on homeschool days. Links to these will be in the notes section above.
    GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/19
    Memory WorkJesus Died Your Soul To Save Poem - Due 9/26