Kinder Week 1 (T/TH)


Welcome to Kindergarten! I am looking forward to getting to know your precious little ones during this first week of school. We will be working on establishing routines and expectations and getting to know one another; because of this you will not see as much reflected in the subject areas on the calendar for the week.

Over the course of the next few weeks we will be learning about the Fruits of the Spirit. Tuesday is an introduction to all and then we will study one per day until all are covered. The Fruits of the Spirit will be used for classroom behavior expectations as well as being incorporated into academics, such as discussing whether the character of a book was showing the fruits.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" Gal.5:22-23

Important Dates:
8/8 - Meet the Teacher Night
8/13- First Day of School! Morning Assembly begins in the sanctuary at 8:45am, with our school day officially starting at 9:00am. Please have your student put their backpack on the 1st row (Center) and  sit on the 2nd row (Center).  If you would like to stay for the assembly please take a seat at the back of the sanctuary.
8/15 - Spirit Day (NO PIZZA)  Students may wear Fortis t-shirts along with jeans or shorts on Spirit Days. 
8/29- Spirit Day/Pizza Day/DOGS Day! Pizza lunch will be served for those who have prepaid. Dads of Godly Students (DOGS) will present a fun assembly for the students and visit with them during their lunch time. 
9/3 - No School: Labor Day

*** If you were unable to attend the co-teacher (parent) training, please download the kindergarten syllabus for more information on our program.

Please also join our school Facebook groups if you use Facebook:
Fortis Marketplace:  a great place to buy and sell curriculum and uniforms as well as school wide event information
(Kinder) Fortis Class of 2037: a place to ask questions specific to kindergarten.  Please be mindful of your posts.  Encouraging and positive posts are always welcome.  If you are frustrated or have a concern about anything, please reach out to me personally (or the person that you have an issue with) instead of venting on Facebook.  I will occasionally post pictures of your student and the fun things that we do in the classroom and on the playground on this Facebook page.  This is also the perfect place to reach out to other Kindergarten parents to set up playdates! 

  •  Please make sure that you are doing the introduction lessons (the hands-on teaching portion) at the bottom of the page, before your child does the worksheet pages. We have marked your child's workbook with a flag so that they can quickly find the next lesson. Please make sure to move this flag to the next uncompleted page after each lesson. 
  • Dice games are an amazing and fun way to help develop number sense.   You should be playing dice games daily just like you read to our children daily.  HERE is a link to lots of different dice games that you can play with your child.  
  • We are skipping the first 26 lessons in Ordinary Parent Guide to Reading and instead teaching the single letter phonograms (letter names and sounds) through All About Spelling. The All About Learning Press phonogram app is available on all tablet/phone platforms and is a wonderful way for your child to practice on their own! You can search "Phonogram Sounds" in your App Store and the icon will be a bumble bee.
  • Please go over the yellow phonogram cards (26 alphabet letters) at least once or twice EVERY DAY.  Your  child should say the letter's name and all of the sounds that the letter can make.  
  • Please complete the "God Made Only One Me!" sheet with your child and return to school on Thursday for sharing. Please write or spell any words that your child needs. It is not an expectation that they write the words, but they should draw themselves. :) Your child may also bring one special-to-them item for Show-and-Tell to share while they share their "God Made Only One Me!" paper.


    Memory Work:
    • Our memory poem for this quarter is "Jesus Died Your Soul To Save." We will practice this poem daily in class. Please practice daily at home as well. 
    • Here is the link for our poems for the year:
    • You should also find a copy of the poem in your child's blue folder.  
    Have a wonderful first week of school!  Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions at any time.  It is going to be a fantastic year working together to guide your precious child into a greater understanding of the world God gave us.  

    ~Love, Miss Chun
    K week 18/12/20248/13/20248/14/20248/15/20248/16/20248/19/2024Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipPrudence: The ability to discern what is good and right and act accordingly. "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” – Titus 2:11-13
    Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Read aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Read aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.After reading aloud have your child narrate as much as they can remember about what they heard. This is the first step in reading comprehension.
    BibleIntroduction of the Fruits of the SpiritReview Gal.5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" Gal.5:22-23
    Fruit of the Spirit: LOVEDiscuss ways to show love at home and at school.
    MathEM-A p1-3EM-A p4-6EM-A p7-9EM-A p10-12EM-A p.13-14 (If your child is doing Friday electives you will need to do the Friday work today too)EM-A is the Essential Math A book. Always do the activity at the bottom of the page first. Focus: Same/different
    SpellingAAS-Step 1(Black and White Version) AAS-Step 1 pgs 17-19
    (Color Version) NEW AAS: Look over pages 7-33. Do lesson 1: Mastering the first 26 phonograms pgs 37-43. Everyone should download the app "Phonogram Sounds" which has a bumble bee as an icon.
    AAS-Step 1AAS-Step 1 p17-19
    NEW AAS: Look over pages 7-33. Do lesson 1: Mastering the first 26 phonograms pgs 37-43.
    Teach initial phonograms in place of first 26 lessons in OPG have your child practice using the app as well as the yellow phonogram cards.

    The NEW AAS (color version) has a much better introduction. If you are using the black and white version please use
    THIS LINK to familiarize yourself with the curriculum.

    Optional: Link to the directions for the activities in the New AAS activity book will be found
    WritingEstablish classroom procedures and expectations. Get to know you activity. Vertical strokesParents: read over p. 4-6 of HWT workbookF,EHWT-p 8-9 (F,E) *Watch your student carefully to ensure that they are starting in the correct position (top) and using correct pencil grip.HWT= Handwriting Without Tears workbook"HWT= Handwriting Without Tears workbook

    Please enforce proper pencil grip everytime they are holding any type of writing utensil. It can be a struggle at first, but worth the effort! Proper pencil grip will make proper letter formation much easier."
    ReadingMs. Bindergarten Gets Ready for KindergartenRead aloud a picture book of your choice and ask your child to tell you as much as they can remember from the story.Chrysanthemum story and activityRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes and then have your child narrate.Phonograms
    Enrichment"The Kissing Hand" and activityComplete "God Made Only One Me!" sheet and return tomorrow for sharing. Pick out a Show and Tell item to share with the class."God Made Only One Me!" sharing and show and tell.
    GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/19
    Memory WorkJesus Died Your Soul To Save Poem - Due 9/26