Week 8 9/30-10/4

Important Dates:
9/30-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
9/30-Grammar School Playdate 3:00-4:00
10/7-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
10/7-Co-Teacher Training 2:00-3:00
10/14-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
10/16-Spirit Day (Jeans and Spirit Shirts)
10/16-Falcon Moms Meet Up 9:00-10:30 @ Agape Java
10/16- New Family Informational @ 10:00 (Invite your friends!)
10/18-20-Fall Family Camping Trip!
10/21-25-Fortis Spirit Week (details coming soon!)
10/21- Picture Retake Day
10/21-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
10/26-Fortis Trunk or Treat
10/28-NO SCHOOL...Teacher Training
10/30-Historical Dress-up Day (details coming soon!)
10/30-Spirit and Pizza Day!
10/30-Grammar Playdate @ Playground 3:00-4:00

1. To be able to count and recognize the numerals 1-10
2  To be able to write the numerals 1-10.
3.  To be able to represent the numerals 1-10 on a ten frame.
4. To understand that numbers have order and reverse order
  • Please go over "Introduction" and "One Step Further" at the bottom of pages 81 & 82 (Tuesday) and pages 84 - 88 (Thursday/Friday). 
  • We are working on number order (1-10) and reverse number order (10-0). Please practice counting backwards from 10-0.
  • Please print these TEN FRAME flashcards and Subitizing cards and add them to your daily routine. Your child should be able to say the number quickly, without having to count. 
  • Here is the link to a fun game we play in class called "Where's the Worm?" just in case you want to try it at home:  http://www.kindergartenkindergarten.com/2010/07/wheres-the-worm-number-id-game.html.  Last week we also played this using our phonogram cards and it was a huge hit!
1. To recognize all upper and lower case letters.
2  To produce all of the sounds of each of the first 26 phonograms.
3. To be able to blend together CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words using short a, e, i, and o.
  • On Monday I will send home a manilla envelope with a "leveled reader" (book) in it.  Please keep practicing with this book until your child can read it on his/her own.  If it is proving to be too frustrating for your child please let me know and I can send home another book! Please initial the back of the folder (with a sharpie) when you are done with the reader and I will send your child home with another book to enjoy.  Keep it fun and encouraging and stop when they are getting frustrated or overwhelmed! 
  • Try this phonemic awareness activity with your student this week - removing sounds. "Can you say cat without the /c/?"  (Make the /c/ sound - do not say 'the letter c') Answer: "at".   "Can you say sit without the /s/? Answer: "it". Try this with several other words!
  • Keep practicing reading words with short a, e, i and o.
1. To be able to hold a pencil using proper pencil grip.
2 To  be able to form all upper case letters properly.
3. To get all upper case letters sitting properly on handwriting lines. 
  • Please continue to monitor pencil grip and correct letter formation! Remember that the habits you establish now could last a lifetime!
1. To be able to write the correct phonogram when given the phonogram sounds.
2  To be able to segment 2 and 3 sound words.
3.  To be able to blend sounds together to figure out the given word.
  • Go over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards at least twice a day.  Here is a video with almost 100 different ways to practice phonograms!
  • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
  • Continue blending and segmenting words and alphabetizing the letters.
  • Dictate the 26 phonograms for your student to write from memory! 
1. To be able to point to all of the continents and oceans on a map.
2. Recognize that all history began with creation.
3. To understand how sin entered the world.
4. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
  • This week we are discussing God's promise to Abraham.
1. To be able to name the planets in order.
2.  To be able to name some distinguishing characteristics of each planet.
3. To be able to name the phases of the moon.
    • We will be assessing Continents and Oceans this Monday 9/30
    • On Wednesday, we will introduce the song for the first region of the United States (Northern States). It will be due 11/4. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. 
    • Audi
    Memory Work: 
      • Hymn of Joy will be introduced this week. You can find this poem in your child's blue folder or on the blog under "Curriculum/Poetry".  We will be reciting this poem in song form.  Here is a link to the song.  We will only be doing the first stanza.   This poem will be assessed on 12/2.

      Hymn Of Joy by Henry Van Dyke

      Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,

      God of glory, Lord of love;
      hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee,
      Opening to the Sun above,
      Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
      drive the dark of doubt away;
      Giver of immortal gladness,

      fill us with the light of day!
    K week 89/30/201910/1/201910/2/201910/3/201910/4/2019Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipOrderlinessEnd of 1st quarter
    BibleDiscuss: The Terrible LieRead Aloud: A New Beginning from JSB.Discuss: A New BeginningRead Aloud: A Giant Staircase to Heaven from JSB.
    MathEM-A p79-80EM-A p.81-82 and math journalEM-A p.83EM-A p84-86 and math journalEM-A p87-88
    SpellingPhonemic Awareness ActivitiesDictate 26 Phonograms for your student to writePhonemic Awareness ActivitiesDictate 26 Phonograms for your student to writeReview Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
    WritingS, AHWT-p33-34 (S,A)I,THWT-p35-36 (I,T)
    ReadingOPG-L37OPG-L37OPG-L38OPG-L38Review L37/38Short o
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims:  God's promise to Abraham
    GeographyMonday:  Continents and Oceans Assessed:  United States: Northern States - Due 11/4
    ScienceLesson 7: Gravity and the tides
    Memory WorkHymn of Joy Poem (Song) Due 12/2

    Week 7 9/23-9/27

    We are READING!  I am so excited about the progress that all of the kindergarteners are making in being able to sound out words.  It is tedious and slow at first but the more encouragement and praise they receive from you, the more excited they will get once they realize that they CAN do hard things!  I will be sending home "word fans" on Monday (short lists of short vowel words).  These are great to use in the car or stick in your purse to work on sounding out short vowel words as you wait in line somewhere. I hope you find them helpful.

    I have finally begun adding "grades" into Alma.  In kindergarten through 2nd grade your child will be graded on objectives and given a score between 1 and 4.  A 4 means they are performing that objective above grade level expectations.  A 3 (the goal) means that they have mastered the objective.  A 2 means they are still working toward meeting the objective, and a 1 means that they either did not attempt the assessment or they are not quite developmentally ready for that objective. In Alma please ignore the percentages as Alma is not set up to do grading like we want.  If your child has a 3 then that means they have mastered the objective.  If they receive a 2 on any objective, please devote some extra time (beyond what is assigned on the blog) to that area and help them to master that objective.  If you have any questions on how to help your child please let me know! 

    Important Dates:
    9/23-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
    9/25-Pizza Day and Spirit Day!
    9/25-Falcon Moms Meet-Up
    9/30-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
    9/30-Grammar School Playdate 3:00-4:00

    Wednesday will be our first DOGS (Dads of Great Students) day of the year.  The DOGS will participate in morning assembly by throwing candy and challenging their students in a game on stage.  They will be spending the day in several different classrooms with kindergarten being their first stop!  The DOGS will be taking prayer requests and will pray for us before our day begins.  Then at lunch the DOGS will help pass out pizza and hang out for recess.  It really is a super fun day on campus.  Make sure to be on time to assembly (8:45) so that you don't miss any of the fun!  If any of the kindergarten dads would like to participate in DOGS please email my amazing husband, Mike @ mmckethan@fortisacademy.net.

    1. To be able to count and recognize the numerals 1-10
    2  To be able to write the numerals 1-10.
    3.  To be able to represent the numerals 1-10 on a ten frame.
    •  We are really working on not only identifying and writing numbers 0-10, but also looking at different ways to form those numbers. In class, we do this through the use of subitizing cards, ten frames, etc. Although it may seem as though we are moving slowly, please know that our goal is to really give the children a strong foundation in number sense. Numbers are beautiful! They are everywhere! Mathematics is one of God's languages. Take a look around at His wonderful creation and see where numbers can be found. 
    1. To recognize all upper and lower case letters.
    2  To produce all of the sounds of each of the first 26 phonograms.
    3. To be able to blend together CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words using short a, e, and i.
    • Remember to review previous lesson before moving on to new one! 
    • The "Mini-books" that we do during class are a great way to review and practice. You might want to keep them all in a zip lock bag to have a great tool of books your child can read on his/her own. There will be one coming home every school day!
    1. To be able to hold a pencil using proper pencil grip.
    2 To  be able to form all upper case letters properly.
    3. To get all upper case letters sitting properly on handwriting lines.
    • Please keep working on pencil grip and making proper handwriting strokes! (generally left to right, top to bottom).
    1. To be able to write the correct phonogram when given the phonogram sounds.
    2  To be able to segment 2 and 3 sound words.
    3.  To be able to blend sounds together to figure out the given word.
    • Go over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards at least twice a day.
    • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
    • Continue blending and segmenting words (ex: cat=c/a/t, c/a/t=cat)
    1. To be able to point to all of the continents and oceans on a map.
    2. Recognize that all history began with creation.
    3. To understand how sin entered the world.
    4. To understand how God used the Tower of Babel

    1. To be able to name the planets in order.
    2.  To be able to name some distinguishing characteristics of each planet.
    3. To be able to name the phases of the moon.
      • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/30
      Memory Work: 
      •  "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on Wednesday this week.

      K week 79/23/20199/24/20199/25/20199/26/20199/27/2019Co-Teacher Notes
      BibleDiscuss: The Story and the SongRead Aloud: The Beginning: A Perfect Home from JSB.Discuss: The Beginning: A perfect HomeRead Aloud: The Terrible Lie from JSB.JSB=Jesus Storybook Bible
      MathEM-A p72EM-A p73-74 and math journalEM-A p75EM-A p76-77 and math journalEM-A p78
      SpellingPhonogram dictation, Alphabetizing, Phonemic awareness activitiesDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
      practice reading short a/e/i words
      Phonogram dictation, Alphabetizing, Phonemic awareness activitiesDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
      practice reading short a/e/i words
      Review Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
      WritingC, OHWT-p28-29 (C,O)Q, GHWT-p30-31(Q,G)HWT-p32 (Magic C capitals)
      ReadingOPG-L34OPG-L35OPG-L36OPG-L36Review L35-36Short i
      HistoryLittle Pilgrims: Tower of Babel
      GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/30
      ScienceLesson 6: The Moon and its phases
      Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due Wednesday!

      Week 6 9/16-9/20

      Important Dates:
      9/16- Picture Day:   Don't forget those order forms!
      9/16-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
      9/18-New Family Informational-Invite anyone who may be interested in Fortis!
      9/23-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
      9/25-Pizza Day and Spirit Day!
      9/25-Falcon Moms Meet-Up
      9/30-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
      9/30-Grammar School Playdate 3:00-4:00

      I pray that your days at home are going well, and that your family has settled into a good schooling routine. I am continuing to enjoy getting to know your little ones! As you get into your reading lessons, keep in mind that every child progresses at a different rate. Please let me know if you need any support or have any questions!

      1. To be able to count and recognize the numerals 1-10
      2  To be able to write the numerals 1-10.
      3.  To be able to represent the numerals 1-10 on a ten frame.
      • Continue to make story problems a part of your daily routine! Pull out manipulatives, blank ten frames, paper and crayons and let them figure out the answer. Encourage them to explain to you how they came up with the answer.

      1. To recognize all upper and lower case letters.
      2  To produce all of the sounds of each of the first 26 phonograms.
      3. To be able to blend together CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words using short a and e.
      • Continue practicing Phonemic awareness activities! (segmenting words, blending, etc. There are some examples under Spelling below)
      • Remember to have your child blend the words they are reading! 
      1. To be able to hold a pencil using proper pencil grip.
      2 To  be able to form all upper case letters properly.
      3. To get all upper case letters sitting properly on handwriting lines.
      • Please keep working on pencil grip and making proper handwriting strokes! (generally left to right, top to bottom).
      1. To be able to write the correct phonogram when given the phonogram sounds.
      2  To be able to segment 2 and 3 sound words.
      3.  To be able to blend sounds together to figure out the given word.
      • Daily phonogram review and instruction. Focus on mastery of our 26 phonograms!
      • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
      • Dictate phonogram sounds for your student to write. Have fun with it! Use sidewalk chalk outside, shaving cream, a tray of salt, etc. (Or just use a dry erase board) 
      • Here are 2 fun songs to play word games with:
      Tune: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
      Listen, listen to my word,
      Tell me all the sounds you heard: /dog/
      Student segments word into phonemes: /d/ /o/ /g/

      Tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It"
      If you think you know this word,
      shout it out.
      If you think you know this word,
      shout it out.
      If you think you know this word,
      then tell me what you heard.
      If you think you know this word,
      shout it out.
      /d / /o/ /g/
      Student blends phonemes into word: /dog/
      Do with several 2 and 3 phoneme words: add, eat, hi, lie, way, and, bite, cut, jug, note, nap, sip,....

      1. To be able to point to all of the continents and oceans on a map.
      2. Recognize that all history began with creation.
      3. To understand how sin entered the world.

      1. To be able to name the planets in order.
      2.  To understand that the sun does not move, but the planets orbit the sun.

      • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/30
      Memory Work: 
      • Spending a few minutes each homeschool day going over all memory work, will help make the process of memorization much easier.
      •  "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 25th (next Wednesday).

      K week 69/16/20199/17/20199/18/20199/19/20199/20/2019Co-Teacher Notes
      DiscipleshipOrderlinessSchool Pictures 9/16
      BibleFruit of the Spirit: SELF CONTROLDiscuss ways to show self control at home and at school.Review Fruits of the Spirit.Read Aloud: The Story and the Song from JSB.JSB = Jesus Storybook Bible
      MathEM-A p64EM-A p65-66 and math journalEM-A p67EM-A p68-69 and math journalEM-A p70-71Review writing numbers 1-10
      SpellingPhonemic awareness activities, phonograms, extra OPG practiceDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
      practice reading short a/e words
      Phonemic awareness activities, phonograms, extra OPG practiceDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
      practice reading short a/e words
      Review Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
      WritingY, ZHWT-p25-26 and 90-92 (number formation)ReviewHWT-p27 (Words) and 93-94 (number formation)
      ReadingOPG-L32OPG-L32OPG-L33OPG-L33Review L33/34Short e
      HistoryLittle Pilgrims:  Noah and the Flood Fire Truck @ 1:00 on Wednesday
      GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/30
      ScienceLesson 5: The Terrestrial Planets: Earth and Mars
      Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 9/25 (Next week!)