1-30 to 2-3 Kindergarten HW

Kinder 211/30/20171/31/20172/1/20172/2/20172/3/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipHonesty + Proverbs 3:1-16Math Buddies:Understanding addition
MathEM-B p41-42EM-B p43-45EM-B p46-48EM-B p49-50EM-B p51-52
CompositionCB-p38-39 for the weekCopywork through Oral Narration
SpellingAAS-Step 12AAS-Step 12 p62-63 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 on manuscript paper to return Wednesday.AAS-Step 12AAS-Step 13 p65-67 "Segment words with initial blends"
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p74-79 Freedom for a New NationLittle Pilgrims - p74-79 Freedom for a New NationFocus: Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
SciencePlanets - SaturnPlanets- UranusPlanets- Project due 2-13
GeographyWest Indies Due 2/22, Continue to review Continents and Oceans
Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 2/27
Important Dates: 
2- 13 : Valentine card exchange 
2-22: Pizza Day and West Indies song assessed
2-27: Above The Bright Blue Sky poem assessed

Welcome to February!! What do you do when you want to have a space party?

You planet!!

We are half way done with our solar system and have moved into the gas giants! Ask your student the difference between a terrestrial planet (solid - you could land on) and a gas planet (one that you would pass through).

Also, we are requesting that each child bring in a small bag or shoebox to collect valentines.  An 8.5x11" standard gift bag would be the perfect size for your child to manage.  Please make sure that your child's name is very prominent. They may decorate as they like. Please send this and a valentine for each child in the class on Monday, February 13thA class list will be sent via email.

Objectives: to complete number bonds for tens and ones; to understand simple addition problems and relate addition equations to number bonds; to understand different combinations of number bonds.
  • We are performing operations on numbers! Though the first pages of addition discuss the = sign as 'makes', we will be using the definition of "same as" for the equals sign, as noted on page 44. 
  • Remember that the hands-on (concrete) portion of the lesson is the most important. If your child is struggling with the paper portion (the abstract), go back to concrete. It is important to stay in the concrete phase as long as they need to.
  • There is more practice with addition on MATH BUDDIES!
Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that contain three consonant blends (scr, str, spl, spr).
  • Please make sure to go over each OPG reading lesson, including reviews, daily. Consistency and repetition is key, for creating beautiful, competent readers!
  • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
  • We have been sending home books in reading folders for each student at their appropriate reading level. However, if you feel that you would like your own phonics friendly books at home, you are welcome to copy and paste the link below for a list of phonetic readers that will go along well with our curriculum. *These are NOT  at all required or mandatory for you to purchase. They are simply resources for anyone who is needing or wanting additional resources. 

These readers are also phonetic and would provide additional practice for your student :
 All About Reading "Run, Bug Run" reader/ "The Runt Pig" reader/ "Cobweb The Cat" reader

Composition (see table)
Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy a sentence, using handwriting lines correctly.
  • see table

Objectives:  To be able to write words with th, sh, and ch from dictation; to be able to write phrases from dictation.
  • Add yellow phonograms ck, ng,  and nk to your daily review - these have been covered in reading.
  • Please note the "Dictate Phrases" portion of the lesson. This is a new addition to the work load. Remind your student to put spaces between their words. Unless a proper noun, words should be written with lowercase letters. These are phrases and not complete sentences, so they do not have punctuation.
  • Please make sure that the spelling words and phrases are written on manuscript paper and returned in the green folder on Wednesday.
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of locations in the West Indies.
    • West Indies will be introduced this week!

    West Indies

    Objectives: to be able to identify the 8 planets in order of distance from the sun; to identify and describe the 5 phases of the moon; to be able to explain that the rotation of the earth is the reason we have night and day.
    •       Planet project due 2-13! Your child should have brought home a folder along with instructions. If you did not receive it, please let us know! If you have any questions, please ask away!
    Planet Song (tune: This old Man)

    There are 8 planets, that I know
    I can name them all, can you?
    There is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
    Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

    Memory Work  

    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography 

    1-23 to 1-27 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 201/23/20171/24/20171/25/20171/26/20171/27/2017Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipSelf-Discipline + Proverbs 3:1-15
    MathEM-B p36EM-B p37EM-B p38EM-B p39EM-B p40Math Buddies:  Number Bonds
    ReadingOPG-L61OPG-L61OPG-L62OPG-L62Review OPG-L61 and 62 as needed
    CB-p36-37 for the week

    Copywork through Oral Narration

    SpellingAAS-Step 11AAS-Step 11 p59-60 "Spell on Paper" on manuscript paper and return tomorrow. Review "More Words" and "Dictate Phrases"AAS-Step 11AAS-Step 12 p61-62 through "Spell with Tiles"

    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is Found
    Little Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is Found

    Focus: Christopher Columbus, Pilgrims
    SciencePlanets - Mars
    Planets - Jupiter

    GeographyMexico Due 1/25, 1/26 Introduce West Indies Due 2/2, Continue to review Continents and Oceans
    Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Due 2/27

    Important Dates: 
    1-27: Pizza day and Mexico song Assessed
    1-30: Head of School Installation Service 7:00pm

    We are moving into some exciting and more challenging concepts in Math! This is such a crucial time for really laying a good foundation of numbers for your little ones. We are enjoying your amazing kiddos immensely! It brings us great joy to be their teachers :)

    **It's Kindergarten project time! Look under "Science" below for important information!

    Objectives: to have an understanding of what the different parts of a number bond mean (whole/part/part); to build number bonds for numbers up to 10 (by composing and decomposing numbers); to fill-in missing parts of a number bond.
    • We hope you are as giddy as we are about number bonds! We have entered into concepts that are foundational in building true understanding of numbers and operations! We are having so much fun in class using manipulatives to compose (3 and 4 make 7) and decompose (7 is made of 5 and 2) numbers to find the parts and whole! Make sure that you are doing the hands-on portion of the lesson in the "Introduction" section at the bottom of each math page. You don't want to miss out on the fun!
    • There is more practice with number bonds on MATH BUDDIES!

    Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that contain the digraphs wh and ph, as well as words with the ending blend nk.
    • Having covered the phonograms ck, ng,  and nk in reading lesson, please add these phonogram cards from All About Spelling lesson 18 to your daily phonogram review, if you have not already done so. Though we have not covered these lessons in AAS, these phonograms are encountered in reading and important to review.

    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy a sentence, using handwriting lines correctly.
    • see table

    Objectives:  To be able to write short vowel/CVC words from dictation. This week focuses on words using the two sounds of "s".
    • Please go over yellow phonogram cards (name and sound of each letter) daily as well as blue key cards 1-6. Please review syllables.
    • Have your child spell out all 10 words and return Wednesday!
    • Every Thursday, you will do the lesson up to and including "Spell with Tiles". Every Tuesday, you will finish the lesson, and dictate the 10 words for your child to write on manuscript paper. Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.

    Objectives: to be able to identify the 8 planets in order of distance from the sun; to identify and describe the 5 phases of the moon; to be able to explain that the rotation of the earth is the reason we have night and day.
    •       Our Kindergarten project this year will be on Planets! Each student will be assigned a planet and will complete a project at home to present to the class. Specific information will be sent home in green folders this week!   
    Planet Song (tune: This old Man)

    There are 8 planets, that I know
    I can name them all, can you?
    There is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
    Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of the states in Central Mexico.

    • see table

    Memory Work 
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song) Just a few minutes each day can make a big difference in their memorization. We are training their minds to memorize easily! You will be amazed at their ability to do so, if you persevere in that training.

    1-16 to 1-20 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 191/16/20171/17/20171/18/20171/19/20171/20/2017Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipSelf-Discipline (Work) + Proverbs 3:1-14
    MathEM-B p31EM-B p32EM-B p33EM-B p34EM-B p35
    ReadingOPG-L59OPG-L59OPG-L60OPG-L60Review L60
    CB-p34-35 for the week

    Copywork through Oral Narration

    SpellingAAS-Step 10AAS-Step 10 p56 "Spell on Paper" on manuscript paper and return tomorrow. Review "More Words"AAS-Step 10AAS-Step 11 p57-59 through "Spell with Tiles"

    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is Found
    Little Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is Found

    Focus: Christopher Columbus, Pilgrims
    SciencePlanets - Venus
    Planets - Earth

    GeographyMexico Due 1/25, Continue to review Continents and Oceans
    Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 2/27

    Important Dates: 
    1-25: Pizza day and Mexico Assessed
    2-27:  Above the Bright Blue Sky Assessed

    Another great week in Kindergarten!  It is so exciting to see your little ones picking up on reading, more and more each day! One of the many wonderful things about Kindergarten is seeing them grow right before our eyes. Have a blessed week!

    Objectives: to be able to find the total for two given sets; to begin an understanding of what numbers represent, and be able to compose and decompose numbers in different ways.
    • Please continue working with your child on identifying numbers 1-20.  
    • This week we begin number bonds. Number bonds are a way to represent parts of a whole number. This involves composing and decomposing numbers (6 is made of 4 and 2; 2 and 4 make 6); which is a crucial component to developing number sense!
    • Please complete the "Introduction" at the bottom of the workbook pages assigned. This is an important step.  Following the concrete-pictorial-abstract  sequence is very important in Singapore math.

    Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with "th" (voiced and unvoiced)
    • Please begin each lesson by having your child read over previous words and sentences. The mini-books are a great way to review as well.
    • This week we are reading words with voiced (ex:this) and unvoiced (ex:thin) "th". 
    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy a sentence, using handwriting lines correctly.
    • see table

    Objectives:  To be able to write short vowel/CVC words from dictation. This week focuses on words with the short e sound and words using the two sounds of "s".
    • Please go over yellow phonogram cards (name and sound of each letter) daily as well as blue key cards 1-6. Please review syllables.
    • Have your child spell out all 10 words and return Wednesday!
    • Every Thursday, you will do the lesson up to and including "Spell with Tiles". Every Tuesday, you will finish the lesson, and dictate the 10 words for your child to write on manuscript paper. Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.

    Objectives: to be able to identify the 8 planets in order of distance from the sun; to identify and describe the 5 phases of the moon; to be able to explain that the rotation of the earth is the reason we have night and day.
    • The kids are really enjoying learning about the planets! Naming all 8 planets is an assessed goal for science this quarter.  Here is a fun song we will be singing in class to help memorize the planets:         
    Planet Song (tune: This old Man)

    There are 8 planets, that I know
    I can name them all, can you?
    There is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
    Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of 8 of the states in Central Mexico.

    1-9 to 1-13 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 181/9/20171/10/20171/11/20171/12/20171/13/2017Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipSelf-Discipline + Proverbs 3:1-13
    MathEM-B p25EM-B p26-27In class activityEM-B p28EM-B , p29-30Math Buddies: Numbers to 20

    ReadingOPG-L57OPG-L57OPG-L58OPG-L58Review L57 and L58
    CompositionCB-p32-33 for the weekCopywork through Oral Narration
    SpellingReview Steps 6-9 (short a, i, o, u)AAS-Step 9 p.53 Choose 6 "more words" to dictate on manuscript paper and return tomorrow.Review steps 6-9AAS-Step 10 p55-56 through "Spell with Tiles". Key card 6
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is FoundLittle Pilgrims - p66-73 A New World Is FoundFocus: Christopher Columbus, Pilgrims

    Spring Song:
    The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc
    SciencePlanets - SunPlanets - MercuryPlanets
    GeographyMexico Due 1/25, Continue to review Continents and Oceans

    Important Dates: 

    1-25: Pizza day and MEXICO song due.

    How wonderful to see all of the sweet, smiling faces back today! We hope you had a restful break full of family time and beautiful memories.
    We are excited to jump back into learning this week and will pray for a smooth transition back to homeschooling for everyone this week.
    *We have added our third poem for memorization. It's a beautiful one! Take a moment to really discuss with your child the meaning of the melodious words.

    Above the Bright Blue Sky by Albert Midlane

    There's a Friend for little children
    Above the bright blue sky,
    A Friend who never changes
    Whose love will never die;
    Our earthly friends may fail us,
    And change with changing years,
    This Friend is always worthy
    Of that dear name he bears.

    There's a home for little children
    Above the bright blue sky,
    Where Jesus reigns in glory,
    A home of peace and joy;
    No home on earth is like it,
    Nor can with it compare;
    And everyone is happy,
    Nor could be happier there.

    Objectives: to identify and name numbers 11-20; to be able to order numbers 1-20; to gain an understanding of tens and ones in a numeral.
    • This week we are focusing on numbers to 20; identifying them and putting them in order. We will be reviewing before and after with numbers (ex: What number is 1 more than 15? What number comes before 18?). We are also continuing to build understanding of tens and ones (ex: 17 is 10 and 7 more).
    Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that begin or end with ch and end with nch, tch
    • Please begin each lesson by having your child read over previous words and sentences. The mini-books are a great way to review as well.
    • This week we are reading words with the the digraph ch and digraph blends tch and nch.
    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy a sentence, using handwriting lines correctly.
    • see table

    Objectives:  To be able to write short vowel/CVC words from dictation. This week focuses on short e as well as dictation with all 5 short vowels.
    • Please go over yellow phonogram cards (name and sound of each letter) daily as well as blue key cards. You will introduce key card 6 this week.
    • Every Thursday, you will do the lesson up to and including "Spell with Tiles". Every Tuesday, you will finish the lesson, and dictate the 10 words for your child to write on manuscript paper. Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map.
    **A new version of the Mexico song was emailed to you.  It will better assist your student in learning 8 of the countries of Mexico.  If you did not receive it please let us know.  

    Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, 
    Hidalgo, Mexico.
    Distrito Federal, Morelos, Tlaxcala

    These are the states in central Mexico

    Objectives: to be able to identify the 8 planets in order of distance from the sun; to identify and describe the 5 phases of the moon; to be able to explain that the rotation of the earth is the reason we have night and day.
    • This week we begin our unit on planets! Here is a fun song we will be singing in class to help memorize the planets:         
    Planet Song(tune: This old Man)

    There are 8 planets, that I know
    I can name them all, can you?
    There is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
    Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

    Memory Work  
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song) Just a few minutes each day can make a big difference in their memorization. We are training their minds to memorize easily! You will be amazed at their ability to do so, if you persevere in that training.