8-28 to 9-1 Kindergarten HW

K week 48/28/20178/29/20178/30/20178/31/20179/1/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipLove (Mercy) + Matthew 5:1-2Open House, 8/28 6-7:00 p.m.
BibleA- Prov.6:6-11Rom 11:33-12:8, Matt 16:13-20B- Prov.6:24Mark 6:14-29God's Creation A to Z
MathEM-A 45-47EM-A p48-49EM-A p50-52EM-A p53-54Review numbers 1-5
SpellingAAS-Step 4AAS-Step 4 p29-31AAS-Step 4AAS-Step 4 p29-31To teach initial phonograms in place of first 26 lessons in OPG
WritingK,LHWT-p19-20 (K,L)U,VHWT-p21-22 (U,V)
Phonogram review and games
Go over yellow Phonogram cards at least 2X/dayOPG-L27OPG-L27OPG-L28Introduction to Short a sound
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p8-13 The Beginning of HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p8-13 The Beginning of HistoryFocus: Creation & Adam and Eve
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/25
Read book Ladybugs.
Discuss and have your child bring to school on Wednesday
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 9/27; History Timeline Song

Important dates:
Monday, August 28 - Open House, 6-7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 30 - Pizza Day. Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts!
Monday, September 4 - Labor Day. NO SCHOOL!
Wednesday, September 6 - Picture Day

I am having so much fun getting into a learning routine with your little ones! At Fortis we not only value academics, but their heart and their spirit as well. We have been focusing on love and kindness and what it looks like to care for others. We are reading some wonderful stories, as well as beautiful scripture. Ask your child what it means to "fill someone's bucket." I hope to see you at Open House on Monday!

This week we will start the lessons from Ordinary Parent's Guide to Reading (OPG) beginning with lesson 27 in class. Continue daily practice of the 26 individual letter phonograms from step 1 of All About Spelling. We will be working through step 4 of All About Spelling because the lessons are applicable to reading. After step 4, we will be taking a break to establish reading prior to introducing spelling.
Image result for Proverbs 16:24 picture
Math :
  • Please make oral counting part of your daily routine. This can easily be done on your car ride to school!
  • Numbers 0-10 may seem like an easy skill, but in class, we are using tools such as a ten frame, number line, rekenrek, and subitizing cards to really solidify the understanding of these numbers. We want our students to have a very strong number sense. We encourage you to use these tools at home as well.  You can find them here:  https://fortisacademy.wordpress.com/singapore-math/
  • Story problems are another great tool you can add on to your math lessons. We will start doing them daily at school. Give your child manipulatives and the different math tools mentioned above, along with paper and pencil. Let them choose how they would like to solve the problem. After they come up with an answer, have them explain to you how they came up with it. 
  •  I see 4 bees and 3 ladybugs in the garden. How many insects do I see? 
  •  Johnny had 7 apples. He gave 2 to his brother. How many are left?
  •  Sally had some cookies. Her friend gave her 3 more. Now she has 7 cookies. How many cookies did she have to start with?
  •  There were 6 crickets. Some hopped away. Now there are 3 left. How many crickets hopped away?
  •  Sarah baked 3 pies. She used 2 apples to make each pie. How many total apples did she  use?     
  •  For lesson 28 we suggest you use your All About Spelling letter tiles and board!
  • Please read the instructor note in lesson 27 about sounding out words - when sounding out, phonograms should not be separated, they should be blended - no pausing or stopping between letter sounds.
Writing: (see table above)

Spelling :
  • Review phonogram and key cards.
  • Continue to review the first 3 lessons if student is still needing practice with these pre-reading skills.
History :
  • We will be discussing Adam and Eve after we wrap up the study of Creation.

  • Read book Ladybugs from your curriculum purchases. Discuss and have your child bring the book with them to school on Wednesday.
  • THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Worksheet: Insect Observation - Please return in blue folder on Monday.  
  • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/25
Memory Work: 
  •  Please work on memorizing our poem "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 27th.
  • Matthew 5:1-16 has been introduced in class.  We will go add a verse every other week. 
  • TIMELINE SONG: We will be singing it in class a few sections at a time, and introducing the hand motions found in the link below. We have all year to work on this one!
  • Click here for song 
  • Click here and here for Timeline song with hand motions. 

8-21 to 8-25 Kindergarten HW

K week 38/21/20178/22/20178/23/20178/24/20178/25/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipLove (Kindness)+ Matthew 5:1-2Open House, 8/28 6-7:00 p.m.
BibleIs 56:1, 6-8, Ps 67 Rom 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32, Matt 15:21-28Prov. 3:1-8, 2 Cor. 4:7-10Luke 22:24-30 or John 1:42-51
MathEM-A p27-29EM-A p30-33EM-A p34-36EM-A p37-40EM-A p41-44
SpellingAAS-Step 3AAS-Step 3 p25-27 key card 1,2AAS-Step 3AAS-Step 3 p25-27 key card 1,2Review segmenting words and Step 1-3To teach initial phonograms in place of first 26 lessons in OPG
WritingN,MHWT-p15-16 (N,M)Frog Jump capitals, HHWT-p17-18 (frog jump capitals, H)
ReadingPhonogram games and activitiesGo over yellow Phonogram cards at least 2X/dayPhonogram games and activitiesGo over yellow Phonogram cards at least 2X/dayPhonograms
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p8-13 The Beginning of HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p8-13 The Beginning of HistoryFocus: Creation & Adam and Eve
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/25
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 9/27; History Timeline song

Important dates:
Monday, August 28 - Open House, 6-7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 30 - Pizza Day. Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with uniform bottoms.
Monday, September 4 - Labor Day. NO SCHOOL!
Wednesday, September 6 - Picture Day

Looking forward to another great week of learning! The kids are doing great learning classroom procedures and I am enjoying getting to know them! We are also spending time each day focusing on a certain "Fruit of the Spirit" and discussing ways to grow them in our heart. We not only hope to train their minds, but their hearts as well, so that we all may become more like Christ each day.
Our character development topic is Love(Kindness): Try to perform a random act of kindness this week, for a friend, neighbor or stranger (ex: bake cookies for someone, help an elderly neighbor with a chore, leave a treat for the mailman, etc). Discuss how blessing others blesses us in return.
Image result for Bible verses on love and kindness with pictures

  •  Please remember to do the "Introduction" and "One Step Further" at the bottom of the pages.
  • This is a great week to introduce those Subitizing (dot) cards at home, and begin building that number sense!
  •  Please use this time to go over letter sounds! (Yellow Phonograms)
  • PHONEMIC AWARENESS: to reinforce our Spelling segmenting lesson, we like to have "Turtle Talk" at school. Our puppet Timmy says a 3 sound word slowly (ex: /p/ /e/ /t/) and student has to blend the word and say it. This is a great activity for driving in the car!
  • Ideas: *call out a phonogram and have student write it with sidewalk chalk, wet paintbrush on sidewalk, shaving cream, a tray with sand or salt, playdough, etc. * Play hopscotch with phonograms. They have to say the sound before hopping to the next.
  • Read quality literature to your child to encourage the love of beautiful books!
    • Remember to reinforce letter practice on lined handwriting paper. Especially if your child is needing additional letter practice.
    • Please have your child practice writing their first name correctly (beginning with a capital and the rest lower case).
    • Check for proper grip and that your child is starting their letter formation in the correct spot (generally from the top).
    •  Click here for a short video to help with correct pencil grip and using the handwriting paper correctly.

    •  Introduce blue Key card 1 and 2. *Please make sure to go over yellow phonogram cards at least twice per homeschool day. Also, if your child is struggling with segmenting words (p.23), please continue to review this concept. It is a crucial step for reading!

    •  The next 3 weeks we will be discussing the beginning of history. We are diving into the story of Creation and then Adam and Eve with living books and in-class activities.
    • THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Worksheet:"Create your own insect" - We will be sharing these on Monday!
    • Song: (tune-Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes)
    Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs
    Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs

    Two antennas, compound eyes
    Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs

    • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/25

    Memory Work: 
    •  Please work on memorizing our beautiful poem "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 27th.
    • Matthew 5:1-16 has been introduced in class.  We will go add a verse every other week. 
    • TIMELINE SONG: We will be singing it in class a few sections at a time, and introducing the hand motions found in the link below. We have all year to work on this one!
    • Click here for song 
    • Click here and here for Timeline song with hand motions. 

    8-14 to 8-18 Kindergarten HW

    K week 28/14/20178/15/20178/16/20178/17/20178/18/2017Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipLove (Compassion)Whole school scripture memory work on Matthew 5: 1-16 begins next week
    BibleJob 38:4-18Ps 18:1-6 (7-16)Rom 10:5-17Matt 14:22-33
    MathEM-A p15-16EM-A p17-19EM-A p20-21EM-A p22-24EM-A p25-26Sets
    SpellingAAS-Step 2 AAS-Step 2 p21-22AAS-Step 2AAS-Step 2 p23-24Oral Segmenting (VERY important!)
    WritingD,PHWT-p11-12 (D,P)B,RHWT-p13-14 (B,R)
    Parents read p347-360 of OPG
    PhonogramsPhonogramsOPG= Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p1-7 God's Great StoryLittle Pilgrims - p1-7 God's Great StoryFocus: What is Histoy?
    GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/25
    Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 9/27 and practice Timeline song

    Image result for fruits of the spirit verses picture

    I am enjoying getting to know your children! What a sweet treasure to be entrusted with helping to mold their hearts and minds. I hope your first week was a joyful and peaceful one. Do not be afraid to reach out to me or other parents if you feel overwhelmed or need some tips.

    The next few weeks in class we are going to be learning about the special Fruits of the Spirit! These are actions that come from our heart when our heart is in the right place. These actions will help us to be wonderful students and friends. We will work on growing our fruit all year long! 

    Mark 12:30 is our Kindergarten verse which we will recite (in song!) every day.

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] Mark 12:30 

     Continue daily practice of the 26 individual letter phonograms from step 1 of All About Spelling. We will be working through step 4 of All About Spelling because the lessons are applicable to reading. After step 4, we will be taking a break to establish reading prior to introducing spelling.

    ***Our school wide scripture memory this year is Matthew 5:1-16 (KJV) We will be going over this during morning assembly, as well as in class and at home.

    Important dates:
    Monday, August 28 - Open House, 6-7 p.m.
    Wednesday, August 30 - Pizza Day. Students may wear Fortis spirit shirts with uniform bottoms.
    Monday, September 4 - Labor Day. NO SCHOOL!
    Wednesday, September 6 - Picture Day

    Math - (see table above)

    •  Please use this time to go over letter sounds! (Yellow Phonograms)
    • Ideas: *call out a phonogram and have student write it with sidewalk chalk, wet paintbrush on sidewalk, shaving cream, a tray with sand or salt, playdough, etc. * Play hopscotch with phonograms. They have to say the sound before hopping to the next.
    • Read quality literature to your child to encourage the love of beautiful books!
      • Please have your child practice writing their first name correctly (beginning with a capital and the rest lower case).
      • Check for proper grip and that your child is starting their letter formation in the correct spot (generally from the top).
      •  Click here for a short video to help with correct pencil grip and using the handwriting paper correctly.
      • If you have not already done so, please read over pages 6-14 in the AAS book to familiarize yourself with it.
      • Phonograms, phonograms, phonograms! Go over them at least twice each home day.
      • This week we begin oral segmenting. This is a crucial step for beginning readers. Please continue to practice this skill using your "chips" like the manual shows. **This can be a difficult skill for some students, so practice it each day at the beginning of your AAS lessons.
        •  This week we are discussing what history is, what is important to include in history, and how to measure history. It began with God and it is HIS story. For an optional extension activity at home, you could make a family tree starting with your child, then parents (you), grandparents for both sides and discuss that if we continued to fill this tree in, we would get to Adam and Eve.
        • We begin our study on insects this week. Always a fun topic with Kindergartners! Please see the science syllabus for the objectives of this unit. The first objective we will be covering is identifying the parts of an insect.
        • THURSDAY: Worksheet "Parts of an Insect"- Discuss with your child the parts of an insect. Have your child cut and paste to complete the sheet.
        Song: (tune-Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes)
        Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs
        Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs
        Two antennas, compound eyes
        Head, thorax, abdomen, 6 legs

        • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class

        Memory Work:
        •  We have introduced 'Jesus Died Your Soul to Save' in class. This poem will be assessed on September 27. Please practice daily! Don't miss the opportunity to really discuss with your child the meaning of this beautiful poem.
        • TIMELINE SONG: We will be singing it in class a few sections at a time, and introducing the hand motions found in the link below. We have all year to work on this one! How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!!! Don't let the length discourage you! 
        • Click here for song 
        • Click here and here for Timeline song with hand motions.