10-31 to 11-4 Kindergarten HW

Kinder 1310/31/201611/1/201611/2/201611/3/201611/4/2016Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipObedience (Trust)+ Proverbs 3:1-9
MathEM-A p137EM-A p138-140EM-A p141-142EM-A p143-144EM-A p145-146No new Math Buddies this week
ReadingOPG-L50OPG-L50OPG-L51 OPG-L51 make sure to do this lesson TH and FOPG-L51
CompositionCB-p24, uppercase onlyCB-p24, lowercase onlyOral Narration
SpellingAAS-Step 5AAS-Step 5 p36-37 key card 4
*Making Words" activity in green folders
AAS-Step 5AAS-Step 6 p39-42 through "Spell with Tiles"Short vowels
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His ChurchLittle Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His ChurchFocus: Rome, Paul
GeographyCentral America Due 11/9, Continents and Oceans Due 12/5
Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 12/5
Important Dates: 
10/31: Historical Dress Up Day
11/9: Central America assessed
11/21-11/25: Thanksgiving break

We cannot wait to see all the fun historical costumes on Monday! It will be such a fun day! We have some awesome pumpkin math planned!
Having met with most of you for conferences has been wonderful and so affirming, knowing that we are partners in educating these precious children. We are blessed and thankful to get to play a part in raising this next generation of disciples.

***There is a lot of new information under our Spelling section below. Please be sure to read it carefully and let us know if you have any questions.

Objectives: to understand the concept of  capacity; to recognize and match equal sets; to demonstrate understanding of 1-1 correspondence.
  • This week we are working on capacity and equal sets. The equal sets lesson is a great footing for your child to understand that equal means 'the same as' and not 'the answer is'. Please make sure to provide the hands-on capacity lessons at the bottom of the page for Tuesday.
Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words that begin with consonant blends.
  • We are venturing into beginning blends and your kiddos are ready!! 
  • Lesson 50 introduces the sight word of. Kindergarten students now have 4 sight words: a, I, the, of. Our list of sight words will grow as we progress through the book. OPG is a phonics based reading program and we only introduce true sight words (words that do not follow rules and cannot be sounded out) and some high frequency words that children will encounter prior to learning the rule which will help them decode.
Composition (see table)
Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper.
  • We have now formally instructed handwriting for all 26 uppercase and lowercase letters. In class we will begin practicing proper writing of names- capitalized first letter, lowercase letters following. We will be working on first and last names. Please practice this at home, in addition to the assignments listed on the table, if you have extra time!

Objectives:  To be able to choose the correct short vowel sound when student hears it in a word; to master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet and be able to write them from dictation; to understand that every word has at least one vowel.
  • Now that we have emergent readers, our explicit spelling instruction has started! Please follow the break-up of the lesson on the table. 
  • You should have introduced blue key card #3 last Thursday and will introduce key card #4 this Tuesday. Practice blue key cards along with phonogram cards daily.
  • "Making Words" will be sent home on Monday. Please follow instructions and use your letter tiles at home. 
  •  Each Thursday, Parents will introduce the next "Step"/lesson 
  • Starting with step 6 this week, you will start to see the pattern in our All About Spelling lessons.  Every Thursday, you will do the lesson up to and including "Spell with Tiles". Every Tuesday, you will finish the lesson, and dictate the 10 words for your child to write on manuscript paper. Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
  • We are continuing to study Christ building His Church.  We are discussing Pentecost, the Apostle Paul, Rome, and will be touching on martyrs and Christian suffering. 
  • We will be praying in class for the many Christians suffering around the world today. Pray for countries where people are hurting and even dying because they love Jesus Christ.
  • Creation song for the semester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoehyq6X650

Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in Central America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.
  • Continents and Oceans  Map and song  for practice.  Students will be asked to point to each continent and ocean as they sing the song. Assessed 11/18
  •  Central America  will be assessed on 11/9.

    Belize and Salvador, Honduras, Panama
    Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica too!
    These are the countries of Central America
    Caribbean on the east , Pacific on the west
    Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
    • This week we are discussing birds and their characteristics. 
    Memory Work  
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs 3 verses, Geography songs)
    • Our poemHymn Of Joy will be assessed on December 5th.

    10-24 to 10-28 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 1210/24/201610/25/201610/26/201610/27/201610/28/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipObedience (Cooperativeness/Attentiveness)+ Proverbs 3:1-9
    MathEM-A p123-124EM-A p125-126EM-A p133-135EM-A p127-130EM-A p131-132, 136Math Buddies: Comparing lenght, height, and weight
    CompositionHW-u,v,wCB-p20-23, letters u,v,w onlyHW-x,y,zCB-p20-23, letters x,y,z only
    Oral Narration

    Dictate phonograms for your child to write
    AAS-Step 5 p33-35 key card 3

    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His Church
    Little Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His Church

    Focus: Rome, Paul

    GeographyCentral America Due 11/9, Continents and Oceans Due 12/5
    Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 12/5

    Important Dates: 
    Fortis Spirit Week!
    10/24: Western Day
    10/24: Picture Retake Day
    10/26: Crazy Hair Day
    10/26: Pizza day
    10/28: Dodge ball tournament
    10/31: Historical Dress Up Day

    It is going to be an amazing week full of fun...and pizza! We have really enjoyed our time with you during parent (co-teacher) and teacher conferences.  If you have not already scheduled a time to hear about how amazing your child is please contact your child's teacher.

    Objectives: to understand the concept of big and small; to sort objects by size; to compare size; to compare weight using a balance; to compare the weight of objects by making direct comparison to a reference weight.
    • This week we are working on size and weight. We will be doing hands-on weight activities with a balance at school. Your child will be learning how to use a balance. This experience will provide the background they need for page 136. 
    • Please note that the page assignments are out of order this week due to the hands-on weighing. Please pay close attention to the assigned pages for each day.

    Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end with the consonant blend "nk"; to learn the meaning of the words "singular" and "plural", and to understand that words can be made plural by adding "s" to the ending; to begin reading and accurately blending words with beginning blends.

    *Please note that there is a lesson assigned for Thursday and another lesson assigned for Friday
    • Please introduce sight word "of "

    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write the lower case letters (introduced so far) correctly on handwriting paper.
    u-start at the dotted line, curve to the right and back up to the dotted line, straight back down (one stroke)
    v-start at the dotted line, diagonal line down, diagonal line up (one stroke)
    w-start at the dotted line, diagonal line down, diagnonal line up, diagonal down, diagonal line up (one stroke)
    x-start a the dotted line, diagonal line down, go back up to the dotted line and do a diagonal line to the left (two strokes)
    y-start at the dotted line, diagonal line to the right, go back up to the dotted line, a long diagonal line to the left (two strokes)
    z-start at the dotted line, go across, diagonal line to the left, go across (one stroke)

    Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
    • NEXT WEEK we will pick up AAS where we left off. Please make sure that you have all the materials necessary and that you review Steps 1-4 to ensure readiness.  
    • Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    • The next two weeks we are discussing Christ building His Church. We will be discussing Pentecost, the Apostle Paul, Rome, and will be touching on martyrs and Christian suffering. 
    • We will be praying in class for the many Christians suffering around the world today. Pray for countries where people are hurting and even dying because they love Jesus Christ.
    • Creation song for the semester is here.

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in Central America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.
    • Continents and Oceans  Map and song  for practice.  Students will be asked to point to each continent and ocean as they sing they song. Assessed 11/18
    • Today we began a new geography song.  Central America  will be assessed on 11/9.

      Belize and Salvador, Honduras, Panama
      Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica too!
      These are the countries of Central America
      Caribbean on the east , Pacific on the west

    Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
    • This week we are discussing amphibians and their characteristics. 
    Memory Work  
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs 3 verses, Geography songs)
    • Our poemHymn Of Joy will be assessed on December 5th.

    10-17 to 10-21 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 1110/17/201610/18/201610/19/201610/20/201610/21/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipObedience (Humility)+ Proverbs 3:1-8
    MathEM-A p111-112EM-A p113-115EM-A p116-117EM-A p118-120EM-A p.121-122Math Buddies:  Length and Height
    ReadingOPG-L45OPG-L45OPG-L46OPG-L46OPG-L47Initial blends
    CompositionHW-p,qCB-p20-23, letters p,q onlyHW-r,s,tCB-p20-23, letters r,s,t only
    Oral Narration

    Phonogram Assessment  (Assessment 1 only)

    To name and write from dictation first 26 phonograms
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p30-35 God Keeps His Promise
    Little Pilgrims - p30-35 God Keeps His Promise

    Focus: Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection

    GeographySouth America Due 10/19, 10/20 Introduce Central America Due 11/9, Continents and Oceans Due 12/5
    Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 12/5

    Grammar School Survey    Please make sure that you have reported the time it has taken for each homeschool assignment the past 2 week here: https://goo.gl/forms/vmKHEtxVmknF2WYI2  This information is very important to us!

    Important Dates: 
    10/19: South America Assessed
    10/24: Picture re-takes
    10/26: Pizza day
    10/28: Dogeball tournament
    10/31: Historical dress-up day

    Another great week in Kindergarten! It's hard to believe we have completed our first quarter! We are praying for you as you continue teaching and guiding your children at home.

    Don't forget to collect BoxTops for Education! You can send them in throughout the year or all at once near the end!

    Objectives: to compare the length of objects by making direct comparison with reference objects; to measure objects using non-standard units of measurement.
    • This week we are working on length using non-standard units (ex:paper clips, unifix cubes, etc). *Please give your child some hands-on practice measuring things at home with non-standard units. Refer to the bottom of the workbook pages for activities.

    Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end with a two consonant blend; to begin reading sentences with current sight words and CVC words.

    *Please note that there is a lesson assigned for Thursday and another lesson assigned for Friday
    • see table

    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write the lower case letters (introduced so far) correctly on handwriting paper. 

    Click here for Handwriting Without Tears lowercase letters chart
    • p-start at the dotted line, pull down, back up and close (1 stroke)
    • q-start at the dotted line, magic c, back up, pull all the way down and hook to the right (one stroke)
    • r-start at the dotted line, pull down, back up and over (1 stroke)
    • s-start at the dotted line, curve to the left, curve to the right (1 stroke)
    • t- start at the top, pull down, cross at the dotted line (2 strokes)

    Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
    • We will pick up with AAS step 5 the first week of November. For now, continue to review steps 1-4. Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
    • Please assess your child on the 26 single letter phonograms using the form here.  Show them the phonogram card and mark which phonograms they have not mastered. Return the assessment on Wednesday.    
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    • This week we are discussing Jesus as our Savior, and reflecting on His Crucifixion and Resurrection. A most important moment in history, indeed.

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in South America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.

    Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
    • This week we are discussing reptiles. We will be focusing on their characteristics and their habitats.
    Memory Work  
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs 3 verses, Geography songs)
    • Our poem, Hymn Of Joy will be assessed on December 7th.
    Hymn Of Joy by Henry Van Dyke

    Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,
    God of glory, Lord of love;
    hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee,
    Opening to the Sun above,
    Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
    drive the dark of doubt away;
    Giver of immortal gladness,
    fill us with the light of day!

    10-10 to 10-14 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 1010/10/201610/11/201610/12/201610/13/201610/14/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipObedience (Respect)+ Proverbs 3:1-7
    MathEM-A p103-104EM-A p105-106EM-A p107EM-A p108-109EM-A p110No new Math Buddies. Continue "Exploring Plane and Solid Shapes"
    ReadingOPG-L43OPG-L43OPG-L44OPG-L44two consonant ending blends
    CompositionHW-k,lCB-p20-23, letters k,l onlyHW-m,n,oCB-p20-23, letters m,n,o onlyOral Narration
    SpellingReview Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p30-35 God Keeps His PromiseLittle Pilgrims - p30-35 God Keeps His PromiseFocus: Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection
    GeographySouth America Due 10/19, Continents and Oceans due 12/5
    Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 12/5
    Important Dates: 
    10/24 -Picture Retakes
    10/26- Pizza Day!
    10/28- Dodge Ball Tournament!
    10/31- Historical dress up day

    We are moving right along in our learning, and really enjoying our time with your children!

    Parent conference time is upon us. Be on the lookout for an email from your teacher in order to schedule one.

    Objectives: to recognize and name some of the patterns God created in our world. To be able to identify, describe and extend simple patterns (AB,AAB,ABB, AABB,ABC)
    • This week we are working on patterning. Make sure that you provide many hands-on  experiences to recognize, extend, and create patterns. 
    • There will be a worksheet coming home Wednesday. Please help your child complete it and return it next Monday to share with the class.
    • **Please continue reviewing numbers 1-10. Students should be able to name each number in isolation, quickly and accurately. Please also review names and attributes of flat vs. solid shapes(sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, cone)

    Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end with a two consonant blend; to begin reading sentences with current sight words and CVC words.
    • see table

    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write the lower case letters (introduced so far) correctly on handwriting paper.

    Click here for Handwriting Without Tears lowercase letters chart
    • k- start at the top, pull down, go to middle of dotted line, diagonal up(to dotted line), diagonal down (3 strokes)
    • l- start at the top and pull down (one stroke)
    • m- start at middle line, go back up, one hump, two humps (one stroke)
    • n- start at middle line, go back up, one hump (one stroke)
    • o- make a magic c and continue around (one stroke)

    Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
    • We will pick up with AAS step 5 the first week of November. For now, continue to review steps 1-4. Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
    • Please add yellow phonogram card "ck" to your initial 26, since we introduced it in our OPG lesson last week
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    • Though Christmas is not upon us, we are so excited to be entering into the history unit where the promise is fulfilled with the birth and life of Jesus!
    • Creation song for the semester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoehyq6X65

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in South America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.

    South America

    To be assessed 10/19
    Audio Player
    Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia
    Ecuador, Peru, and Chile and Bolivia
    Uruguay and Paraguay, Brazil and Guyana
    And Suriname
    These are the countries of South America.
    The French have French Guiana.
    The British have the Falkland islands.
    Brazil is the biggest country and Chile is the longest.
    Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
    • This week we begin a new unit on animals! We will study one classification each week (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish) and spend the last 3 weeks discussing the habitats of animals. You can find the science objectives in the kindergarten syllabus (and listed above). In class we will be discussing the traits of each classification, working in our science journals, and doing nature studies and investigations. Please feel free to extend this unit at home as much as you would like! 

    Memory Work  
    • Hymn of Joy will be assessed on December 7th. 
    • We have been singing it in class. It is set to Bethoven's Ode to Joy. Click here to listen

    Hymn Of Joy by Henry Van Dyke

    Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,

    God of glory, Lord of love;

    hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee,

    Opening to the Sun above,

    Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;

    drive the dark of doubt away;

    Giver of immortal gladness,

    fill us with the light of day!