Kinder Week 12 (T/TH)

    Image result for thankful bible verses with pictures

AAS will pick back up this week. PLEASE LOOK BELOW under SPELLING for important information!

Important Dates:
10/25 - Picture Re-takes
10/27 - Play Date @ Lion's Foundation Park, Moms in Prayer 9-10
10/27 - DOGS day with pizza!
10/28 - Fall Festival (Trunk or Treat)
11/1 - Historic Dress Up day
11/10 - Spirit Day (no pizza)
11/10 - Moms in Prayer 9-10
11/12 - Lap-a-thon!
11/21-11/25 - Thanksgiving Break
11/29 - Play Date 3-4 @ Lions Foundation Park
12/1 - DOGS Day with pizza!

1.  To compare the length of objects by making direct comparisons with reference objects
2.  To measure objects using non-standard units of measurement.
3.  To understand the concept of big and small and sort objects by size
4.  To compare weight using a balance
5.  To compare the weight of objects by making direct comparison to a reference weight.
  • This week we are working on size and weight. We will be doing hands-on weight activities with a balance at school. Your child will be learning how to use a balance. This experience will provide the background they need for page 136. 
  • Please note that the page assignments are out of order this week due to the hands-on weighing. Please pay close attention to the assigned pages for each day.
1.  To be able to read sentences with current sight words and CVC words.
2.  To be able to read and accurately blend words that end with a two consonant blend.
  • Please encourage your child to point to the words (track text) as he/she reads. 
1. To  be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines. 
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to write name properly using only 1 capital letter.
4. To be able to write the alphabet on handwriting paper from memory.
  • Remember to continue handwriting practice on lined handwriting paper as well as HWT book.  
  • Have your child practice writing his/her name properly on handwriting lines.  Breaking the habit of writing their name with all capital letters can be a challenge!
1. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
2  To be able to segment 2 and 3 sound words.
3.  To be able to orally blend single phonemes into CVC words fluently.
  • THIS FRIDAY we will pick up AAS where we left off. Please make sure that you have all the materials necessary and that you review Steps 1-4 to ensure readiness.  
  • Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
  • This week (Step 5) is a bit different from the rest of the steps. Pages 33-35 will be done Friday and pages 36-37 will be done the following Wednesday. 
  • The format of lessons will remain the same (starting with Step 6):  Every Friday the new "Step" will be introduced at home and we will work on it for a week. Spelling Journals  will start coming home when "Step 6" is introduced. 
    FRIDAY- Introduce "Step" and do lesson up to "Spell with Tiles."
    WEDNESDAY: Review and "Spell on Paper"- Dictate the 10 words for your child to write in Spelling Journal. Practice "More Words" at home on dry erase board.
  • ****Spelling Journals will need to come to school every school day! (Bring every day- Blue folder, Math book, Math Journal, Spelling Journal)

1. To be able to point to and say the northern states of the US on a map.
2. To begin learning to draw the world map by drawing a compass rose, equator, and prime meridian.
  •  Due 11/3. Students will be required to sing the names of the Northern States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
Memory Work
  • Poem will be assessed on 12/1 officially, however students will have an opportunity to present the song to the class earlier if they are ready!
K week 1210/24/202210/25/202210/26/202210/27/202210/28/202210/31/2022Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipDiligence: Proverbs 13:4
Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
BibleDiscuss: God Makes a WayRead Aloud: Ten Ways to Be Perfect from JSB.Discuss: Ten ways to be perfect.Read Aloud: The Warrior Leader from JSB.
MathEM-A p.121-122EM-A p123-124EM-A p125-126 and math journal Day 7EM-A p133-135EM-A p127-130 and math journals Day 8EM-A p131-132, 136
SpellingPhonemic Awareness ActivitiesDictate phonogram sounds (call out all of the sounds) for your child to write the letter that makes those sounds. Do not do this is in alphabetical order.
Phonemic Awareness ActivitiesAAS-Step 5 p33-35 key card 3SPELLING picks back up this FRIDAY at home!
WritingHWT pages 40-41Lowercase u and iHWT 42-44Lowercase e and l.HWT 45-47
ReadingReview L41/42OPG-L43OPG-L43OPG-L44OPG-L44Review L 43/44ending blends
EnrichmentRead Aloud: Pumpkin Moonshine by Tasha Tudor
"Sing a Song of Seasons" by Robert Louis Stevenson
All Saints by Fra Angelico
"Polovtsian Dances" from Prince Igor by Alexander Borodin
GeographyUnited States: Northern States - Due 11/3
Memory WorkHymn of Joy Poem Due 12/1