Kinder Week 18 1/11-1/15

 Important Dates:

1/11 - Second Semester Begins
1/11 - Moms in Prayer 9-9:30
1/13 - Spirit Day
1/25 - Moms in Prayer 9-9:30
1/27 - Spirit Day and Pizza Lunch!
1/27 - New Family Informational!

 We hope you had a restful break full of family time and beautiful memories. We are excited to jump back into learning this week and will pray for a smooth transition back to homeschooling for everyone this week.

*We have added our third poem for memorization. It's a beautiful one! Take a moment to really discuss with your child the meaning of the melodious words.  We will be doing this one is song form.  Here is a link to a version of the song; however, we do not sing it this high!

All Things Bright and Beautiful 
by Cecil Frances Alexander 

All things bright and beautiful, 
All creatures great and small, 
All things wise and wonderful, 
The Lord God made them all. 
Each little flower that opens, 
Each little bird that sings, 
He made their glowing colors, 
He made their tiny wings. 
The purple-headed mountain, 
The river running by, 
The sunset, and the morning, 
That brightens up the sky; 
The cold wind in the winter, 
The pleasant summer sun, 
The ripe fruits in the garden, 
He made them every one. 
He gave us eyes to see them, 
And lips that we might tell, 
How great is God Almighty, 
Who has made all things well.

1.  To be able to identify "how many more/less" a group has compared to the reference set.
2. To identify and name numbers 11-20. To be able to order numbers 1-20.
3. To gain an understanding of tens and ones in a numeral.

  • This week we are focusing on numbers to 20; identifying them and putting them in order. We will be reviewing before and after with numbers (ex: What number is 1 more than 15? What number comes before 18?). We are also continuing to build understanding of tens and ones (ex: 17 is 10 and 7 more).
1.  To read and accurately blend words that end with consonant blend "nk".
2.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that end with dipthong ng.
  • We will be spending all week on lesson 54. Please make sure to do this lesson each day (or part of the lesson) as well as reviewing previous lessons.
1. To  be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
  •  Copywork through oral narration was introduced in class before the break and will continue throughout the rest of the year.   All narrations will be done in the spelling journal behind the tab.  This means that we read a quality book and then discuss what students can remember about the book using complete sentences.  Asking questions such as, "What happened at the beginning?"  "What was your favorite part of the book?" "What happened at the end?".  Also asking open ended questions like, "Why do you think _____ did or acted a certain way?"  "Were any of the characters showing any of the fruits of the spirit?".  After the discussion, we will ask the students to tell us a complete sentence about something they can remember from the story. We pick one sentence about the book to write (keeping it short and using simple words if possible).  We write the sentence on the board, modeling aloud the writing process and getting them to help us with any skills they should already know. The student will then copy the sentence in their journal.  We will gently correct handwriting, spelling errors, and spacing issues as appropriate.  ***Feel free to practice this at home, it is not mandatory for home yet, but certainly helpful (and enjoyable!)
  • Continue to work on first and last name with proper capitalization as well as writing upper and lowercase alphabet correctly on lined paper.
1. To be able to write short vowel a,e,  i, o, and u. (CVC) words from dictation.
  • Please go over yellow phonogram cards (name and sound of each letter) daily as well as blue key cards. You will introduce key card 6 this week.
  • THURSDAY- Introduce "Step" and do lesson up to and including"Spell with Tiles."
    TUESDAY: Finish the lesson including "Spell on Paper"- Dictate the 10 words for your child to write in Spelling Journal. Practice "More Words" at home on dry erase board or journal. Please make sure to reinforce proper letter formation and writing correctly on the lined pages in the journal.
  • ****Spelling Journals will need to come to school every school day so I can check them! (Bring every day- Blue folder, Math book, Math Journal, Spelling Journal)
1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
2.  To see God's hand in every event.
  •  Song for the semester (strictly for exposure, will not be assessed):  The Star-Spangled Banner:  YouTube video can be found here.
1. Help children see that the weather is an important gift from God.
We are beginning a new unit this week.  We will be reading books and studying the weather and atmosphere!

1. To be able to recite the eastern states of the US on a map. Wednesday! :)
2.  To be able to sing the names of the middle states of the US.
3. To begin learning to draw the world map by drawing a compass rose, equator, and prime meridian.
  •  Due 1/13 Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
  • Introduce the Middle States of the US song.
Memory Work

1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
  • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Geography song)

K week 181/11/20211/12/20211/13/20211/14/20211/15/2021Co-Teacher Notes
Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
BibleReview Christmas StoryRead Aloud: The King of all Kings from JSB.Discuss: The King of all Kings from JSB.Read aloud: Heaven breaks through from JSB.
MathEM-B p25EM-B p26-27In class activityEM-B p28EM-B , p29-30
SpellingReview Steps 6-9 (short a, i, o, u)AAS-Step 9 p.53 Choose 6 "more words" to dictate in spelling journal and return tomorrow.Review steps 6-9AAS-Step 10 p55-56 through "Spell with Tiles". Key card 6
WritingOral narration and copyworkHWT pg 88-90 and any missed HWT pages.Oral narration and copyworkPractice writing upper and lowercase alphabet from memory. HWT pg91-94You should be finished with the HWT tears book.  Next week we will start the Copybook.Oral narrations and copywork
ReadingOPG-L54OPG-L54OPG-L54OPG-L54Review L54"ng"
HistoryLittle Pilgrims

Spring Song: 
The Star-Spangled Banner

GeographyUnited States: Eastern states assessed on Wednesday, Middle States - Due 2/22
ScienceMeteorology: Weather and Atmoshere Lesson 1: The Creation of Weather
Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Due 2/24