Week 33 Last Week of Kindergarten :(

“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you

    and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

    and give you peace.

What an amazing year we have had together! Your little ones have grown so much in so many ways.  It will definitely be a year I won't forget! I give thanks to God for the privilege to teach along side you. I pray that you all have a safe, relaxing, joy filled summer. I am going to miss your precious children more than you know! I love them with all my heart!

We look forward to a fun last day together on Wednesday. We will be having our traditional (although slightly different) Rock Ceremony during our Wednesday morning Webex call. Instead of an afternoon Webex call, we are doing a Drive Thru Goodbye at the school!  This will be the time for us to say our goodbyes and for me to give your student their Character Rock (that was "presented" to them during our meeting) as well as some other End of the Year Goodies.  Feel free to make it even more exciting for your kids by letting them make a sign to show while they go through the line, decorate your car with shoe polish, or honk as you drive thru!

Now that we are at the end of the school year, many parents have wondered what they can do to keep skills and knowledge up over the summer. Here are some optional suggestions for the summer months, but remember to have fun, enjoy your family time, and relax over the break!

  • READ, READ, READ...have your student read passages from the OPG book as well as books on their reading level.  
  • Read aloud daily. Choose a story that the whole family would like to listen to. It is great to read a few levels above your child's personal level so they are exposed to rich vocabulary. Have your child read to you as much as possible!
  • Reading - First grade will pick up where we left off in Ordinary Parent's Guide to Reading next year. Review the lessons that we covered this year and have your child read on a regular basis.
  • Spelling -Keep reviewing the phonogram cards AND key cards.  They will forget them if they don't review them for 3 months!  Make it fun by having them jump, squat or do a jumping jack for each sound.  
  • Dictate words, phrases and simple sentences that cover the spelling rules we have covered this year. Use dry erase boards, chalk on the sidewalk, handwriting paper, etc. Write more complex sentences on handwriting paper and have them copy it using proper spacing, punctuation, and letter formation.  Have them copy scripture straight from the Bible if they are ready!
  • Math  - Continue oral counting and reading and writing numbers to 100 with gentle correction on backwards numbers. Count large groups of items by making groups of 10. Work on place value - tens and ones (p.143). Tell number stories - "John has 7 cats and 3 birds. How many pets does John have?"/ "Sam has some puppies. His mom gave him 3 more. Now he has 11. How many puppies did Sam have to start with?" Encourage them  to use their addition and subtraction skills, as well as the tools we have introduced (number bonds, number lines, ten frames). Have them count objects by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's.  Practice ways to make 10. 1st grade will start the year with this.
  • Review all of the geography songs that we have done this year, especially Continents and Oceans and how to "blob" them.
  • Dig deeper into those science units we covered (weather and planets). Go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation!
You have all been so amazing to work with!  

Love, Mrs. McKethan

K week 335/11/20205/12/20205/13/20205/14/20205/15/2020Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipWebex meetings: Monday 10:40 and 1:40. Wednesday 10:40 ONLY with the Drive Thru Goodbye anytime between 4:00 and 5:00!
BibleLesson 8Lesson 9
MathEM-B p157-158Play Kindergarten Yahtzee with a parent or sibling!Rock Ceremony during Morning Webex Session!HERE are some fun ways to practice math this summer! 
SpellingAAS-Step 24 p113-114 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Sentences" 1-3 in spelling journal.Page 114 of AAS: Dictate sentences 4-6 for your child to write in Spelling Journal.No Afternoon Webex: Join us at school instead! Drive Thru Goodbye anytime between 4 and 5! Ways to make it more fun: make a sign, decorate your car, honk as you drive through!These last few lessons have been a bit more challenging. Please review them as well as blue key cards 1-16
WritingCB pg74-75CB pgs 76-77CB pgs 78-79
ReadingOPG L88 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.Review book: In the Pet ShopKindergarten Memories Book!The review book uses words with the "double e (ee)", which says the long e sound. We have not introduced this in class yet, but I think they will pick up on it quickly!
GeographyUnited States: Pacific States - Can be presented during any Webex meeting if your child is still wanting to present.
ScienceLesson 19: Forecasting WeatherHere is a link to a cute hat to wear to the parade on Wednesday!Here is a link to the "Last Day of Kindergarten" sign to use for last day pictures!
Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky can be presented during any Webex meeting if your child is still wanting to present.