Kinder Week 29 4/1-4/5

K week 294/1/20194/2/20194/3/20194/4/20194/5/2019Co-Teacher Notes
Teacher Training - Student Holiday
PatienceCTP Testing 4/8 & 4/10
BibleRead aloud: Washed with tears from JSB.Discuss: Washed with tears.Read aloud: The Servant King from JSB.
MathEM-B p119-122 and math journalEM-B p123-126EM-B p127-128 and math journalEM-B p129-130
SpellingAAS-Step 20 p92-93 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 in spelling journal to return tomorrow.AAS Step 20AAS-Step 21 p95-96 through "Spell with Tiles"
WritingCB pgs 50-51Oral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs 52-53CB pgs 54-55
ReadingOPG-L75 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG L-75/76OPG L 76 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerReview L75/76
HistoryLittle Pilgrims
GeographyUnited States: Pacific States - Due 4/29
Science**Register for field trip :)Plants
Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Poem Due 5/1

Important Dates:
4/1:    NO SCHOOL!  Teacher Training Day
4/6:   Fortis NERF War at 6:00 Register
4/8:   Field Trip!  Details and registration info were emailed to you.
4/10:  Spirit Day (Jeans and Fortis T-shirts)
4/15:  Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
4/17:  New Family Informational @ 10:00- Invite your friends-spots are filling up quickly!
4/19:  No school for Friday Elective Students (Good Friday)
4/22:  Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
4/24:  Pizza Day and Spirit Day!

I hope everyone has a fun day on Monday while the teachers are working hard to make sure that Fortis is the best that it can be for each and every student!  Don't forget to take some time to marvel at all of the beautiful spring flowers that God has given us!

Image result for bible verses with pictures  about new growth

FIELD TRIP information was emailed to you.  Please take a moment to register your child/children.  The cost is only $5 per child (ages 3 and up) and can be paid when you register.  If you would be willing to drive some of the most amazing kindergarteners to the campground please note it on the registration form.  It is going to be a great day full of fun and adventure!

 1.  Identify, write, and name numbers to 40 with an understanding of what the tens and ones mean in each number.
2.  Understand that numbers have order and be able to order numbers up to 40.
3.  Understand the order of events and the concept of "first".

  • Please continue reviewing tens and ones place! (ex: use beans to show number 36: 3 groups of 10 and 6 ones; Can you write down the number that has 2 tens and 7 ones?; How many tens and ones does number 42 have?; What does 3 tens really mean? 30!) This can be a difficult concept for some students. 
  • This week we are ordering. Please make sure that you are doing the activities in the Introduction at the bottom of the page. Remind students that we can order from beginning to end, end to beginning, largest to smallest, smallest to largest. 
 1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with all long vowels/silent e pattern.
2.  To be able to differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel sound.
3.  To be able to read words/sentences with the short vowel 'ck' changing to long vowel 'k' with silent e.
 4.  To continue to grow in reading fluency.
  • Remember to begin the lessons by reviewing our current sight words and reading over words/sentences from previous lessons. *Reviewing and repetition is key!
  • Sight words: to, two, and too are introduced this week. 
  • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly

  • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation! Have your student self-correct any backward letter or number!
1.  To be able to spell words that have "ng" at the end.
  • We have already been practicing the phonogram ng in reading. In this lesson students will build upon their knowledge to apply the phonogram to spelling.
  • Remember to begin each lesson by going over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards.  
  • Please make sure to return Spelling Journals.
1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
2.  To see God's hand in every event.

  •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner

    1. To be able to identify the parts of a plant and what their job is.
    2.  To describe the life cycle of a plant.
    3.  To be able to discuss God's purpose for plants.

    1.  To be able to sing the names of the pacific states of the US.
    2. To begin learning to draw the world map.

    • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
    • Pacific States will be the last Geography song for the year! Due 4/29
    Memory Work
    1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.

    • "All things Bright and Beautiful" is our last poem of the year. In class we are singing it to this tune.
    •    Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, geography song, timeline song)