Important dates:
Wed. 1/10: Eastern States assessed
Wed. 1/31: Pizza Day
How wonderful to see all of the sweet, smiling faces back today! I hope you had a restful break full of family time and beautiful memories.
I am excited to jump back into learning this week and will pray for a smooth transition back to homeschooling for everyone this week. We begin our unit on planets this week! Usually a class favorite. There will be an at-home project assigned during this unit. More info. to come soon!
*We have added our third poem for memorization. It's a beautiful one! Take a moment to really discuss with your child the meaning of the melodious words.
Above the Bright Blue Sky by Albert Midlane
There's a Friend for little children
Above the bright blue sky,
A Friend who never changes
Whose love will never die;
Our earthly friends may fail us,
And change with changing years,
This Friend is always worthy
Of that dear name he bears.
There's a home for little children
Above the bright blue sky,
Where Jesus reigns in glory,
A home of peace and joy;
No home on earth is like it,
Nor can with it compare;
And everyone is happy,
Nor could be happier there.
Objectives: to identify and name numbers 11-20; to be able to order numbers 1-20; to gain an understanding of tens and ones in a numeral.
- This week we are focusing on numbers to 20; identifying them and putting them in order. We will be reviewing before and after with numbers (ex: What number is 1 more than 15? What number comes before 18?). We are also continuing to build understanding of tens and ones (ex: 17 is 10 and 7 more).
Objectives: to begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that end with dipthong ng.
- We will be spending all week on lesson 54. Please make sure to do this lesson each day (or part of the lesson) as well as reviewing previous lessons.
Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper.
- Copywork through oral narration begins this week. This means that we read a quality book and then discuss what students can remember about the book using complete sentences. Asking questions such as, "What happened at the beginning?" "What was your favorite part of the book?" "What happened at the end?". Also asking open ended questions like, "Why do you think _____ did ____ or acted a certain way?" "Were any of the characters showing any of the fruits of the spirit?". After the discussion, I ask the students to tell me a complete sentence about something they can remember from the story. We pick one sentence about the book to write (keeping it short and using simple words if possible). I write the sentence on the board, modeling aloud the writing process and getting them to help me with any skills they should already know. The student will then copy the sentence in their journal. I gently correct handwriting, spelling errors, and spacing issues as appropriate. ***Feel free to practice this at home, it is not mandatory for home, but certainly helpful (and enjoyable!)
- Continue to work on first and last name with proper capitalization as well as writing upper and lowercase alphabet correctly on lined paper.
Objectives: To be able to write short vowel/CVC words from dictation. This week focuses on short e as well as dictation with all 5 short vowels.
- Please go over yellow phonogram cards (name and sound of each letter) daily as well as blue key cards. You will introduce key card 6 this week.
- THURSDAY- Introduce "Step" and do lesson up to and including"Spell with Tiles."
TUESDAY: Finish the lesson including "Spell on Paper"- Dictate the 10 words for your child to write in Spelling Journal. Practice "More Words" at home on dry erase board or journal. Please make sure to reinforce proper letter formation and writing correctly on the lined pages in the journal. - ****Spelling Journals will need to come to school every school day so I can check them!(Bring every day- Blue folder, Math book, Math Journal, Spelling Journal)
Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
- Song for the semester (strictly for exposure, will not be assessed): The Star-Spangled Banner
Objectives: to be able to identify the 8 planets in order of distance from the sun; to identify and describe the 5 phases of the moon; to be able to explain that the rotation of the earth is the reason we have night and day.
- This week we begin our unit on planets! What a marvelous way to look at God's creation closely and delight in its wonder! Here is a fun song we will be singing in class to help memorize the planets:
Planet Song(tune: This old Man)
There are 8 planets, that I know
I can name them all, can you?
There is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Objectives: to identify and name the Continents and Oceans on a map; to sing the names of the Eastern United States (assessed WED); to sing the names of the Middle States of the US.
- Due 1/10. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
- Introduce the Middle States of the US song.
Memory Work
Objectives: To memorize true, good, and beautiful pieces and recite to the class.
- Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Matthew verses, Geography song, Timeline song)