10-24 to 10-28 Kindergarten HW

Kinder 1210/24/201610/25/201610/26/201610/27/201610/28/2016Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipObedience (Cooperativeness/Attentiveness)+ Proverbs 3:1-9
MathEM-A p123-124EM-A p125-126EM-A p133-135EM-A p127-130EM-A p131-132, 136Math Buddies: Comparing lenght, height, and weight
CompositionHW-u,v,wCB-p20-23, letters u,v,w onlyHW-x,y,zCB-p20-23, letters x,y,z only
Oral Narration

Dictate phonograms for your child to write
AAS-Step 5 p33-35 key card 3

HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His Church
Little Pilgrims - p36-43 Christ Builds His Church

Focus: Rome, Paul

GeographyCentral America Due 11/9, Continents and Oceans Due 12/5
Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem Due 12/5

Important Dates: 
Fortis Spirit Week!
10/24: Western Day
10/24: Picture Retake Day
10/26: Crazy Hair Day
10/26: Pizza day
10/28: Dodge ball tournament
10/31: Historical Dress Up Day

It is going to be an amazing week full of fun...and pizza! We have really enjoyed our time with you during parent (co-teacher) and teacher conferences.  If you have not already scheduled a time to hear about how amazing your child is please contact your child's teacher.

Objectives: to understand the concept of big and small; to sort objects by size; to compare size; to compare weight using a balance; to compare the weight of objects by making direct comparison to a reference weight.
  • This week we are working on size and weight. We will be doing hands-on weight activities with a balance at school. Your child will be learning how to use a balance. This experience will provide the background they need for page 136. 
  • Please note that the page assignments are out of order this week due to the hands-on weighing. Please pay close attention to the assigned pages for each day.

Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end with the consonant blend "nk"; to learn the meaning of the words "singular" and "plural", and to understand that words can be made plural by adding "s" to the ending; to begin reading and accurately blending words with beginning blends.

*Please note that there is a lesson assigned for Thursday and another lesson assigned for Friday
  • Please introduce sight word "of "

Composition (see table)
Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write the lower case letters (introduced so far) correctly on handwriting paper.
u-start at the dotted line, curve to the right and back up to the dotted line, straight back down (one stroke)
v-start at the dotted line, diagonal line down, diagonal line up (one stroke)
w-start at the dotted line, diagonal line down, diagnonal line up, diagonal down, diagonal line up (one stroke)
x-start a the dotted line, diagonal line down, go back up to the dotted line and do a diagonal line to the left (two strokes)
y-start at the dotted line, diagonal line to the right, go back up to the dotted line, a long diagonal line to the left (two strokes)
z-start at the dotted line, go across, diagonal line to the left, go across (one stroke)

Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
  • NEXT WEEK we will pick up AAS where we left off. Please make sure that you have all the materials necessary and that you review Steps 1-4 to ensure readiness.  
  • Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
  • The next two weeks we are discussing Christ building His Church. We will be discussing Pentecost, the Apostle Paul, Rome, and will be touching on martyrs and Christian suffering. 
  • We will be praying in class for the many Christians suffering around the world today. Pray for countries where people are hurting and even dying because they love Jesus Christ.
  • Creation song for the semester is here.

Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in Central America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.
  • Continents and Oceans  Map and song  for practice.  Students will be asked to point to each continent and ocean as they sing they song. Assessed 11/18
  • Today we began a new geography song.  Central America  will be assessed on 11/9.

    Belize and Salvador, Honduras, Panama
    Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica too!
    These are the countries of Central America
    Caribbean on the east , Pacific on the west

Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
  • This week we are discussing amphibians and their characteristics. 
Memory Work  
  • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs 3 verses, Geography songs)
  • Our poemHymn Of Joy will be assessed on December 5th.