Spring is here, and your little ones are certainly growing before my eyes! Do not grow weary as you continue your task of teaching at home! The seeds you are planting, and the time with your children is something you will cherish for years to come.
**The week leading up to Easter (next week), Kindergarten will be making Resurrection Eggs together. Please have your child bring in 12 plastic Easter eggs. You will need to number the eggs from 1-12 (using a Sharpie). Please label the bag/baggie that you use to transport the eggs with your child's name.
**Please check Alma weekly @ www.fortis.getalma.com to see how your child is progressing in language arts and math. Any objectives that your child has a 1 or 2 in will require extra practice at home. Please ask your teacher for ideas to help your child master these concepts if needed.
- We are working with numbers to 40 this week - ordering, counting, writing, and understanding the tens place. While working with numbers, continue to address the pattern that our number system follows. We see this order (0-9) in the tens places as well as the ones place. A number chart is particularly helpful for recognizing the patterns. You can find two different number charts on the main blog page under Curricula -> Math -> Singapore Math Resources -> Number Gird and Ten Frames or here.
- We are continuing our study of long vowels with silent e and open syllable (we will cover this later in All About Spelling, but OPG provides a friendly way to explain it to your child right now in lesson 73).
- We have covered all vowels with silent e!
- Transitioning from reading just short vowel words to reading long vowel words can require extra time and practice; that is why we are slowly working our way through these lessons. Please use the All About Spelling key cards to guide your child if they are missing words. For example, "A vowel's first sound is short. Is there anything in this word that will make this vowel long? A silent e? The last and only vowel? So, will this vowel make its long or short sound? Good! Let's try that word again!"
- Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson.
- Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation! Have your student self-correct any backward letter or number!
- Please do not allow sloppy or rushed work. Setting the expectation of quality work on everything that they do is helping to form good habits now that will serve them their entire lives.
- It is so exciting to see our kinder kiddos learning and memorizing spelling rules! It will serve them well in the years to come!
- Introduce blue key card 10
- Remember to begin each lesson by going over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards.
- Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
- Southern States of the US: Due Thursday
- Pacific States will be introduced next and will be the last geography song for the year.
- "Above the Bright Blue Sky" is our final poem of the year.
- Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, geography song)