Kinder Week 5 (T/TH)


I hope that everyone has a wonderful Labor Day.  Enjoy the day off!  I can't wait to see you again on Thursday!

~Miss Chun

Make sure you are checking the homepage of the Fortis blog each day as well as this grade level page. Important school wide information will be posted there! 

Important Dates:
9/6 - Labor Day:  No School
9/8 - Picture Day
9/15 - Spirit Day (no pizza)
9/16 - Falcon Moms at Taco Kitchen 9-10
9/27 - T/TH Playdate at Lions Foundation Park 3-4
9/29 - Spirit/DOGS/Pizza Day

  • Though it may feel like we are going slow or the curriculum is not challenging enough, there are many foundational math skills that we are developing in these first few units. Identifying sets, assigning a numeral to a set to make it a number, and writing digits are skills that we often clump all together with 'counting', but they are each their own math milestone! The units that we are covering in "book A" are preparing us for the big things we will be doing down the road!
  • This week will continue our math journals! Your child should have gotten a math journal and a set of journal prompts in class last week.  Please make sure to allow your child to cut out the journal prompt before gluing it into their journal.  Watch them carefully to make sure they are holding the scissors properly.  PLEASE SEND MATH JOURNALS TO SCHOOL EACH DAY.
  • Our OPG lessons have begun! It might be helpful for your little one if you write the words on a dry erase board for him/her to read as the small print of the OPG book can feel intimidating to some students.  A minibook will come home with your child every school day.  Keep these books in a baggie and pull out an old one for review before starting a new lesson. 
  • Click here for a link to the short vowel story rhymes we introduce in class (this week is "short a").  This document also gives a hand signal to help the children remember the short vowel sound of the vowels. Example:  Short A (an ant) is rather grouchy.  Anytime one of the other letters tries to talk to her she says, “Ahhhhh, get out of here.” (Hold up all ten fingers)
  • Please continue to enforce correct pencil grip and proper handwriting strokes! You are helping create habits that will last a lifetime and improve efficiency in writing.
  • As you work on the number formation pages in HWT, please feel free to modify the numerals 2 and 6 from what the book shows.
  • Please continue to practice writing names, starting with a Capital letter followed by lower case letters.  

  • Review phonogram and key cards.
  • Step 4 is rich in letter, phonogram, and phonics work. Though this lesson was covered last week, please continue to segment words, alphabetize letter tiles, and dictate sounds with writing.

Read Aloud: The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Poem: "Little Wind"
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
The Barber of Seville: "Overture" by Gioachino Rossini
Science:  Nature study:  The importance of clouds

  • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/20
Memory Work: 
  • Spending a few minutes each homeschool day going over all memory work, will help make the process of memorization much easier.
  •  "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 27th.
K Week 59/5/20229/6/20229/7/20229/8/20229/9/20229/12/2022Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipResponsibility: Knowing and doing what is expected of me. A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. Proverbs 29:23
Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesLabor Day-No SchoolRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
BibleReview the fruits of the spirit that we have discussed so far: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.Fruit of the spirit: GentlenessDiscuss ways to show gentleness at home and at school.
MathReview numbers 1-5EM-A p55 and DAY 2 math journalEM-A p56-57EM-A p58-59 and DAY 3 math JournalEM-A p60-63
SpellingAAS-Step 4 p29-31AAS-Step 4AAS-Step 4 p29-31
WritingHWT pg 88-89 (5,6)HWT p 16 (V,W) and pg 90-91 (7,8)X, YHWT p 17 (X,Y) and pg 92-93 (9,10)HWT pg 94 (1-10)
ReadingOPG-L28OPG- L29OPG-L30/31OPG-L30OPG-L31Short a
EnrichmentRead Aloud: The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
"Little Wind"
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
The Barber of Seville: "Overture" by Gioachino Rossini
Optional Craft to go with the read aloud can be found HERE.
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/20
Memory WorkJesus Died Your Soul To Save Poem Due 9/27