Kinder Week 21

 What a blessing it is to watch your children progress in their academics as well as their social skills!  Keep up the great work at home!

Valentines Day is quickly approaching! Please have your child bring in a small bag or shoebox to collect valentines.  An 8.5x11" standard gift bag would be the perfect size for your child to manage.  Please make sure that your child's name is very prominent. They may decorate it if they like. Please send this and a valentine for each child in the class on Tuesday, February 15th. 

Miss Chun’s class

Mrs. Mel’s class






















Bible Bag Projects: Please look for a Sign-Up Genius email about our 2nd semester project.  Each student will need to pick one Bible story to explore and create a bag of 4 or more objects that represent their Bible story.  They will practice retelling the story to you several times, then they will present their stories to the class using their objects as props.  This week please just choose which story you and your child would like to explore and let us know on the Sign-up Genius form for your child's class.  The link to the Sign Up Genius' can be found here:  

1.  To complete number bonds for tens and ones.
2.  To understand simple addition problems and relate addition equations to number bonds.
3.  To fill in missing part of a number bond.
  • We are performing operations on numbers! Though the first pages of addition discuss the = sign as 'makes', we will be using the definition of "same as" for the equals sign, as noted on page 44. 
  • Remember that the hands-on (concrete) portion of the lesson is the most important. If your child is struggling with the paper portion (the abstract), go back to concrete. It is important to stay in the concrete phase as long as they need to.
1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with "th" (voiced and unvoiced).

  • Please begin each lesson by having your child read over previous words and sentences. The mini-books are a great way to review as well.
  • This week we are reading words with voiced (ex:this) and unvoiced (ex:thin) "th". 
1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly.
  •  Please make sure to watch your student as they do these pages.  Letters are typically formed top to bottom and left to right.  It will be a lot easier to break bad habits (like starting letters at the bottom line) now than it will be later!  This copybook gives you the opportunity to download some beautiful scripture into their growing brains!  Discuss with them what each verse means and encourage them to read it several times and try to memorize the scripture as they are doing the illustrations. 
1.  To be able to spell words using the two sounds of "s".
2.  To be able to write words with th, sh, and ch from dictation
3.  To be able to write phrases from dictation
  • Add yellow phonograms ck, ng,  and nk to your daily review - these have been covered in reading.
  • Please note the "Dictate Phrases" portion of the lesson. This is a new addition to the work load. Remind your student to put spaces between their words. Unless a proper noun, words should be written with lowercase letters. These are phrases and not complete sentences, so they do not have punctuation.  Feel free to turn these short phrases into complete sentences if you prefer.
    1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
    2.  To see God's hand in every event.
    1. Help children identify what the atmosphere is and how it relates to weather.

    1.  To be able to sing the names of the middle states of the US.
    2. To begin learning to draw the world map.

    • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
    •  Middle States of the US song.
    Memory Work
    1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.

    K week 211/31/20222/1/20222/2/20222/3/20222/4/2022Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipCompassion: Helping thouse who are hurting. Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those rejoice, weep with those you weep.
    Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
    BibleDiscuss: The singer from JSB.Read aloud: The Captain of the storm from JSB.Discuss: The Captain of the storm from JSB.Read aloud: Filled Full from JSB.See note above for a link to sign up for a "Bible Bag Project" story.
    MathEM-B p40EM-B p41-42EM-B p43-45 and math journal Day 1EM-B p46-48EM-B p49-50 and math journal Day 2
    SpellingAAS-Step 12AAS-Step 12 p62-63 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 in spelling journal to return MondayAAS-Step 12AAS-Step 13 p65-67 "Segment words with initial blends"
    WritingOral narration and copyworkCB pgs 18-19Oral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs 20-21
    ReadingReview L57/58OPG-L59OPG-L59 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L60OPG-L60 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims
    GeographyMiddle States - Due 2/24
    ScienceLesson 4: The Earth's Atmosphere
    Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Due 2/24