Kinder Week 33 5/3-5/7


1.  To be able to count by 2's.
2.  To understand even and odd numbers.
3.  To understand halves and fractions.

  •  Please make sure that you complete the lesson at the bottom of the pages and extend it by using other numbers/scenarios.
  • We are working on counting by 5's (to 50) and by 2's (to 20). Please work on this orally with your student.
1.  To review reading and accurately blending words and sentences with long vowel/silent e pattern.
2.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with the vowel pairs ai and ay.

3.  To continue to grow in reading fluency.

  • Have your child read to you every day! READ,READ, READ!!!!
1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly

  • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation! Have your student self-correct any backward letter or number! They should be gaining speed and accuracy in their copywork, by this point in the year.

    1.  To be able to identify open and closed syllables.
    • Please introduce Key Cards 14, 15, 16 this week. Continue to review all key cards (especially 11, 12, 13), along with phonograms at the beginning of each lesson.
    1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
    2.  To see God's hand in every event.

    •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner
      1.  To be able to sing the names of the Pacific states of the US.
      2. To begin learning to draw the world map.
      • Pacific States will be the last Geography song for the year! Due Monday
      Memory Work
      1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.

      • Above the Bright Blue Sky is  DUE Wednesday.
      •    Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, geography song).

      K week 335/3/20215/4/20215/5/20215/6/20215/7/2021Co-Teacher Notes
      BibleArmor of God: Lesson 5 and 6Armor of God: Lesson 7 and 8
      MathEM-B p153EM-B p154-155EM-B p156EM-B p157EM-B p158
      SpellingAAS-Step 24AAS-Step 24 p113-114 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Sentences" 1-3 in spelling journal to return tomorrow.ReviewPage 114 of AAS: Dictate sentences 4-6 for your child to write in Spelling Journal.These last few lessons have been a bit more challenging. Please review them as well as blue key cards 1-16
      WritingOral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs 82-83Oral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs84-85
      ReadingOPG L86OPG L86 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG L 87OPG L87 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader
      HistoryLittle Pilgrims
      GeographyUnited States: Pacific States - Due 5/3 (Monday)
      ScienceLesson 19: Forecasting Weather
      Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Poem Due 5/5 (Wednesday)