Week 22 2/10-2/14

Important Dates:
2/10 - No School!  Teacher in-service day
2/14 - Valentines Exchange
2/17 - Moms in Prayer 9:00-9:30
2/19 - New Family Informational 10:00
2/21 - Moms Night Out!
2/22 - Fortis Famiy Work Day!
3/2- Moms in Prayer 9:00-9:30
3/4- Parent Informational! @ 10:00.  Invite your friends!
3/9- Moms in Prayer 9:00-9:30
3/11- Spirit Day!
3/16-3/20 -  SPRING BREAK!

Enjoy your day off on Monday as the teachers and administration start preparing for what God has in store for Fortis next year!  Remember that priority registration for 1st grade ends soon, so if you have any concerns or questions about next year, please let me know.  Keep up the good work!

REMINDER: Please have your child bring in a small bag or shoebox to collect valentines.  An 8.5x11" standard gift bag would be the perfect size for your child to manage.  Please make sure that your child's name is very prominent. They may decorate as they like. Please send this and a valentine for each child in the class on WednesdayNew Note:  Please put the Valentines that your child brings for his/her friends in a separate baggie.  Their Valentine Box or bag should be empty when they arrive at school.  This makes passing out Valentines much easier!  Here is our class list:


1.  To complete number bonds for tens and ones.
2.  To understand simple addition problems and relate addition equations to number bonds.
3.  To fill in missing part of a number bond.
4.  To be able to count on to add using a number line/path.
  • Since we have introduced addition and number bonds, I will be asking the kiddos to write a number sentence AND a number bond to match the story problems in their math journals.  You can draw the blank number bond for them and ask them to fill it in. Please still allow them to draw pictures, use a ten frame, or use concrete objects to help them figure out the answers before filling in the number sentence and number bond as needed.  
  • We are continuing to practice addition this week and introducing the strategy of counting on to solve problems. It would be helpful for you to use a  number line with your student ( Here is one for you to print if needed ). We look at the number we're starting with and count on from there (ex:4+3  start with the number 4 and count up 3 more from there).
  • Remember that the hands-on (concrete) portion of the lesson is the most important. If your child is struggling with the paper portion (the abstract), go back to concrete. It is important to stay in the concrete phase as long as they need to.

1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that contain the digraphs wh and ph as well as words with the ending blend nk.
  • Having covered the phonograms ck, ng,  and nk in reading lessons, please add these phonogram cards from All About Spelling lesson 18 to your daily phonogram review, if you have not already done so. Though we have not covered these lessons in AAS, these phonograms are encountered in reading and important to review.
1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly.

  • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation as well as proper spacing between words.
1.  To be able to write words with th, sh, and ch from dictation
2.  To be able to segment words wit initial or final blends
3.  To be able to write phrases from dictation

  • There are no word cards or a "Spell on Paper" portion of the lesson this week, but there is still a "Dictate Phrases" portion. Please make sure that the phrases are written in Journals
1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
2.  To see God's hand in every event.
  • Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc
1. To understand what weather is and the elements that affect it.

1.  To be able to sing the names of the middle states of the US.
2. To begin learning to draw the world map.

  • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
  •  Middle States of the US song.
Memory Work
1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
  • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work!

K week 222/10/20202/11/20202/12/20202/13/20202/14/2020Co-Teacher Notes
Teacher Training - No School
Read Aloud: Treasure Hunt from JSB.Discuss: Treasure Hunt from JSB.Read aloud: The friend of little children from JSB.
MathEM-B p53-55 and math journal:  See note aboveEM-B p56-58 EM-B p59-60 and math journalEM-B p61-62
SpellingAAS-Step 13 p67 "Dictate Phrases" 1-5 in spelling journal and return tomorrow.AAS-Step 13AAS-Step 14 p69 "Spell with Tiles"
WritingCB pgs 14-15Oral narration and copyworkCB pgs 16-17
ReadingOPG-L61 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L62OPG-L62 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerReview OPG-L61 and 62 as needed
GeographyUnited States: Middle States - Due 2/19
ScienceLesson 5: What Is Weather?
Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Due 2/26