Week 6 9/16-9/20

Important Dates:
9/16- Picture Day:   Don't forget those order forms!
9/16-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
9/18-New Family Informational-Invite anyone who may be interested in Fortis!
9/23-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
9/25-Pizza Day and Spirit Day!
9/25-Falcon Moms Meet-Up
9/30-Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
9/30-Grammar School Playdate 3:00-4:00

I pray that your days at home are going well, and that your family has settled into a good schooling routine. I am continuing to enjoy getting to know your little ones! As you get into your reading lessons, keep in mind that every child progresses at a different rate. Please let me know if you need any support or have any questions!

1. To be able to count and recognize the numerals 1-10
2  To be able to write the numerals 1-10.
3.  To be able to represent the numerals 1-10 on a ten frame.
  • Continue to make story problems a part of your daily routine! Pull out manipulatives, blank ten frames, paper and crayons and let them figure out the answer. Encourage them to explain to you how they came up with the answer.

1. To recognize all upper and lower case letters.
2  To produce all of the sounds of each of the first 26 phonograms.
3. To be able to blend together CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words using short a and e.
  • Continue practicing Phonemic awareness activities! (segmenting words, blending, etc. There are some examples under Spelling below)
  • Remember to have your child blend the words they are reading! 
1. To be able to hold a pencil using proper pencil grip.
2 To  be able to form all upper case letters properly.
3. To get all upper case letters sitting properly on handwriting lines.
  • Please keep working on pencil grip and making proper handwriting strokes! (generally left to right, top to bottom).
1. To be able to write the correct phonogram when given the phonogram sounds.
2  To be able to segment 2 and 3 sound words.
3.  To be able to blend sounds together to figure out the given word.
  • Daily phonogram review and instruction. Focus on mastery of our 26 phonograms!
  • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
  • Dictate phonogram sounds for your student to write. Have fun with it! Use sidewalk chalk outside, shaving cream, a tray of salt, etc. (Or just use a dry erase board) 
  • Here are 2 fun songs to play word games with:
Tune: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Listen, listen to my word,
Tell me all the sounds you heard: /dog/
Student segments word into phonemes: /d/ /o/ /g/

Tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It"
If you think you know this word,
shout it out.
If you think you know this word,
shout it out.
If you think you know this word,
then tell me what you heard.
If you think you know this word,
shout it out.
/d / /o/ /g/
Student blends phonemes into word: /dog/
Do with several 2 and 3 phoneme words: add, eat, hi, lie, way, and, bite, cut, jug, note, nap, sip,....

1. To be able to point to all of the continents and oceans on a map.
2. Recognize that all history began with creation.
3. To understand how sin entered the world.

1. To be able to name the planets in order.
2.  To understand that the sun does not move, but the planets orbit the sun.

  • Kindergarteners will be expected to be able to point to the Continents and Oceans on a map. Click here for the song we use in class. Due 9/30
Memory Work: 
  • Spending a few minutes each homeschool day going over all memory work, will help make the process of memorization much easier.
  •  "Jesus Died Your Soul to Save".  Students will say title, author, and then recite poem on September 25th (next Wednesday).

K week 69/16/20199/17/20199/18/20199/19/20199/20/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipOrderlinessSchool Pictures 9/16
BibleFruit of the Spirit: SELF CONTROLDiscuss ways to show self control at home and at school.Review Fruits of the Spirit.Read Aloud: The Story and the Song from JSB.JSB = Jesus Storybook Bible
MathEM-A p64EM-A p65-66 and math journalEM-A p67EM-A p68-69 and math journalEM-A p70-71Review writing numbers 1-10
SpellingPhonemic awareness activities, phonograms, extra OPG practiceDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
practice reading short a/e words
Phonemic awareness activities, phonograms, extra OPG practiceDictate Phonograms and use this time for additional
practice reading short a/e words
Review Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
WritingY, ZHWT-p25-26 and 90-92 (number formation)ReviewHWT-p27 (Words) and 93-94 (number formation)
ReadingOPG-L32OPG-L32OPG-L33OPG-L33Review L33/34Short e
HistoryLittle Pilgrims:  Noah and the Flood Fire Truck @ 1:00 on Wednesday
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/30
ScienceLesson 5: The Terrestrial Planets: Earth and Mars
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 9/25 (Next week!)