Kinder Week 23 2/11-2/15

K week 232/11/20192/12/20192/13/20192/14/20192/15/2019Co-Teacher Notes
Staff Development - Student Holiday
BibleCollect items for Bible BagDiscuss Bible Bag ExpectationsCollect items for Bible Bag
MathEM-B p65-67 and math journalEM-B p68-69EM-B p70-71 and math journalEM-B p72
SpellingAAS-Step 14 p69-71"Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" in spelling journal to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 14 AAS-Step 15 p73 "Spell with Tiles"
WritingCB pgs 18-19Make Valentines for Fortis StaffCB pgs 20-21
ReadingOPG-L63 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L63/64OPG-L64 and 15 minutes from a leveled readerReview L63/64
HistoryValentine's Exchange!
GeographyUnited States: Southern States - Due 3/26
ScienceWeather - Wind
Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Poem Due 2/28
Important dates:
Mon 2/11:  No School...Teacher in-service day.
Wed  2/13:  Spirit Day and Valentine's Party Day and Middle States Assessment
Mon 2/18:  Moms in Prayer @ 9:00.
Wed 2/20:  New Family Informational @ 10:00
Mon 2/25:  Moms in Prayer @ 9:00
Wed 2/27:  Above the Bright Blue Sky Poem Due, Spirit Day and PIZZA DAY!

Image result for Bible verses with pictures about love
I hope everyone enjoys their extra day at home this week and has a wonderful Valentine's week! We have a busy week ahead, filled with new learning and fun. I am enjoying your sweeties!

REMINDER: Please have your child bring in a small bag or shoebox to collect valentines.  An 8.5x11" standard gift bag would be the perfect size for your child to manage.  Please make sure that your child's name is very prominent. They may decorate as they like. Please send this and a valentine for each child in the class this Wednesday, February 13th

Class List:

1.  To understand simple addition problems and relate addition equations to number bonds.
2.  To understand simple subtraction problems.
3.  To understand stubtraction as whole minus a part.
  • We begin introduction to subtraction this week. We are emphasizing the fact that the minus sign really means "take away". 
  • Remember that the hands-on (concrete) portion of the lesson is the most important. If your child is struggling with the paper portion (the abstract), go back to concrete. It is important to stay in the concrete phase as long as they need to.
1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences that contain three consonant blends (scr, str, spl, spr)

  • Please make sure to go over each OPG reading lesson, including reviews, daily. Consistency and repetition is key, for creating beautiful, competent readers!
  • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
These are some of the phonetic readers that I have been pulling from and  would provide additional practice for your student if you would like to have them at home to practice :  All About Reading "Run, Bug Run" reader/ "The Runt Pig" reader/ "Cobweb The Cat" reader.  

1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly.

  • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation (typically top to bottom/left to right)
1.  To be able to write words with th, sh, and ch from dictation
2.  To be able to write words with final blends accurately from dication.
3.  To be able to write simple phrases and sentences from dictation.

  • This week we begin writing words with blends. If your child is struggling to write the words correctly, or leaving out a consonant, refer them back to the oral segmenting of the word with the chips. This way they can make sure they are accounting for every letter in the word.
  • ****Some students are still having difficulty differentiating SH, TH, CH when spelling words. Please continue to practice this!
  • Please make sure to have your student do their work in Spelling Journal and send to school.
1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
2.  To see God's hand in every event.

  •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner
1. To be able to see God's provision for his creation in the weather.
2.  To understand why we have different types of weather.

    1.  To be able to sing the names of the middle states of the US.
    2. To begin learning to draw the world map.
    • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
    •  Middle States of the US song will be assessed WEDNESDAY!
    Memory Work

    1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.

    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem,  Geography song, Timeline song)