Kinder week 1 8/6-8/10

K week 18/6/20188/7/20188/8/20188/9/20188/10/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipAttentiveness: Unit Verse: Proverbs 22:17-18 “Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.
BibleListening to wise parents and teachers
Prov 4:1, 5-6, 20-22
Mary and Martha listen to Jesus
Luke 10:38-41
Eager Listeners
Mark 6:30-35, Psalms 25:12-14
Knowing the Shepherd - Jesus
John 10:22-30
The Transfiguration
Mark 9:2-13, James 1:5
MathEM-A p1-3EM-A p4-6EM-A p7-9EM-A p10-12EM-A p.13-14EM-A is the Essential Math A book
SpellingAAS-Step 1 AAS-Step 1 p17-19AAS-Step 1AAS-Step 1 p17-19AAS = All About Spelling
WritingEstablish classroom procedures and expectations. Get to know you activity. Vertical strokes Parents: read over p. 5-6 of HWT workbook.  Practice proper pencil grip.F,EHWT-p 9-10 (F,E) *Watch your student carefully to ensure that they are starting in the correct position and using correct pencil gripHWT= Handwriting Without Tears workbook
ReadingMs. Bindergarten Gets Ready for KindergartenPhonogram CardsChrysanthemum story and activity
History"The Kissing Hand" and activityComplete "God Made Only One Me!" sheet and return tomorrow for sharing."God Made Only One Me!" sharing and show and tell.
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/24
Memory Work"Jesus Died Your Soul To Save" Poem Due 9/26

Welcome to Kindergarten! I am looking forward to getting to know your precious little ones during this first week of school. We will be working on establishing routines and expectations and getting to know one another; because of this you will not see as much reflected in the subject areas on the calendar for the week.

Over the course of the next few weeks we will be learning about the Fruits of the Spirit. Monday is an introduction to all and then we will study one per day until all are covered. The Fruits of the Spirit will be used for classroom/behavior expectations as well as being incorporated into academics, such as discussing whether the character of a book was showing the fruits.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" Gal.5:22-23

Important Dates:
8/6 - First Day of School! Everyone(K-12) will start the day in the sanctuary for Morning Meeting.
8/27 - Open House
8/29 - Pizza Day and kids can wear a Fortis T-shirt and jeans or uniform bottoms.

  •   Please make sure that you are doing the introduction lessons (the hands-on teaching portion) at the bottom of the page, not just the worksheet pages. I have marked your child's workbook with a flag so that they can quickly find the next lesson. Please make sure to move this flag to the next uncompleted page after each lesson. 
  •  We are skipping the first 26 lessons in Ordinary Parent Guide to Reading and instead teaching the single letter phonograms through All About Spelling. The All About Learning Press phonogram app is available on all tablet/phone platforms!
  • Please go over the yellow phonogram cards (26 alphabet letters) at least once or twice EVERY DAY.
  • Please complete the "God Made Only One Me!" sheet with your child and return to school on Wednesday for sharing. Please write or spell any words that your child needs. It is not an expectation that they write the words, but they should draw themselves. :) Your child may also bring one special-to-them item for show-and-tell to share while they share their "God Made Only One Me!" paper.

  •  Next week we will begin our unit on insects! You are welcome to check some books out from your local library to enhance our unit at home. 

    Memory Work:
    • Our memory poem for this quarter is "Jesus Died Your Soul To Save." We will practice this poem daily in class. Please practice daily at home as well. 
    • Here is the link for our poems for the year:
    • You should also find a copy of the poem in your child's blue folder.  
    Have a wonderful first week of school!  Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions at any time.  It is going to be a fantastic year working together to guide your precious child into a greater understanding of the world God gave us.  

    ~Love, Mrs. McKethan~