Mon. 10/16- Teacher inservice. No school
Wed. 10/18- Informational @10:00am for your friends interested in Fortis!
Mon. 10/23- Picture Retakes
Wed. 10/25- Pizza day!
Fri. 10/27- Dodgeball tournament!
Wed. 11/15- Thanksgiving Program 1:30-3:00

I hope your family enjoys this extended weekend with Monday off! Tuesday will be a regular homeschool day.
You may have noticed at the top of our blog table the heading "Discipleship". This is the virtue that we try to work on school wide. We discuss it in class and encourage families to discuss it at home as well (as I'm sure you naturally do, anyway!) I am posting the following from another teacher's blog, because I agree with so wholeheartedly. What a blessing to be the ones spending the most time with our children, and helping mold their precious hearts!
Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end in a double consonant (ss, ff, ll); to read and accurately blend words that end with "ck"; to begin reading sentences with current sight words and CVC words.
Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
Wed. 10/25- Pizza day!
Fri. 10/27- Dodgeball tournament!
Wed. 11/15- Thanksgiving Program 1:30-3:00
I hope your family enjoys this extended weekend with Monday off! Tuesday will be a regular homeschool day.
You may have noticed at the top of our blog table the heading "Discipleship". This is the virtue that we try to work on school wide. We discuss it in class and encourage families to discuss it at home as well (as I'm sure you naturally do, anyway!) I am posting the following from another teacher's blog, because I agree with so wholeheartedly. What a blessing to be the ones spending the most time with our children, and helping mold their precious hearts!
By this time in our parenting journey, we all know the important role the family plays in our children's respectful obedience. As homeschooling mommas, we have the added benefit of observing the true hearts of our children in the comfort of our homes on a regular basis and are well acquainted with their discipline needs, but we still benefit from motivational reminders of what our goals in this area include. Here's some links you may enjoy. Happy Parenting!
Objectives: to compare the length of objects by making direct comparison with reference objects; to measure objects using non-standard units of measurement.
ReadingObjectives: to compare the length of objects by making direct comparison with reference objects; to measure objects using non-standard units of measurement.
- This week we are working on length using non-standard units (ex:paper clips, unifix cubes, etc). *Please give your child some hands-on practice measuring things at home with non-standard units. Refer to the bottom of the workbook pages for activities.
Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end in a double consonant (ss, ff, ll); to read and accurately blend words that end with "ck"; to begin reading sentences with current sight words and CVC words.
- "Two Review and One New" on page 92 will be a part of every lesson. Please make sure that you include this in your daily lesson every time.
Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to be able to write the alphabet on handwriting paper from memory.
- Remember to continue handwriting practice on lined handwriting paper as well as HWT book.
Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
- We will pick up with AAS step 5 the last week of October. For now, continue to review steps 1-4. Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
- Please assess your child on the 26 single letter phonograms using the form here. Show them the phonogram card and mark which phonograms they have not mastered. Return the assessment on Wednesday.
Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
- This week we are discussing Jesus as our Savior, and reflecting on His Crucifixion and Resurrection. A most important moment in history, indeed.
Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
Objectives: to be able to classify vertebrate animals into 5 categories (mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds); to identify habitats and explain why that habitat is suitable.
- This week we are discussing reptiles! We will be focusing on their characteristics and their habitats.
Objectives: to identify and name the Continents and Oceans on a map; to sing the names of the Northern United States.
Objectives: to identify and name the Continents and Oceans on a map; to sing the names of the Northern United States.
- We are beginning to experiment with "Blobbing" at school. Here are some short videos you can watch if you would like to know more about it:
- Due 10/30. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well.
Memory Work
- Continue reviewing Timeline song and Matthew verses.
- We have been singing our poem in class. It is set to Bethoven's Ode to Joy. Click here to listen
- This poem will be assessed on 11/29.