This time of the year things speed up. The difficulty level is increasing and your children are succeeding! Your children are growing into more confident readers and spellers, and gaining a good sense of numbers through addition, subtraction and number bonds. If you notice your child needs extra practice on any of these things, please continue to review with them. Keep up the good work! Do not grow weary, you are investing your time and energy into educating your child and pouring into them. Time well spent!
BIBLE: Have your child practice telling their assigned Bible story using the items in their Bible Bag. Encourage them to tell their story to an audience of stuffed animals, siblings, and Facetime with grandparents. The more they practice, the more confidence that they will gain! These will be presented to the class on March 4th.
1. To understand simple subtraction problems.
2. To understand subtraction as whole minus a part.
- Now that we understand the concept of addition and subtraction, we will be relating part-part-whole/number bonds to addition and subtraction problems!
- Since addition and subtraction number sentences (7-4=3) are very abstract, it is especially important that you are doing the hands-on, concrete, part of these lessons on the bottom of the page. The concrete experience is cornerstone to understanding concepts and developing number sense....and it is fun!
- Please begin your math lesson by having your child write numbers 1-20 on paper or dry erase board. Many students are consistently reversing them. While it is perfectly age appropriate, consistent daily practice will help ensure that correct number formation is solidified in their mind.
- This week we are taking time to review, review, review. NEXT WEEK we will be moving into reading long vowels, which is a more difficult skill, so it is very important that you take the time this week to review any area that your child is struggling in, and encourage fluency when reading words.
- Please go over the REVIEW paper that will be sent home in blue folders.
- Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson.
- Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation!
- This week we are writing words with initial blends. If your child is struggling to write the words correctly, or leaving out a consonant, refer them back to the oral segmenting of the word with the chips. This way they can make sure they are accounting for every letter in the word.
- ****Some students are still having difficulty differentiating SH, TH, CH when spelling words. Please continue to practice this!
- Please make sure to have your student do their work in Spelling Journal and send to school.
- Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
- Southern States of the US are introduced this week!
- Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Geography song)