Week 27

Welcome back!  I am so excited to see all the sweet faces again, even if it is only online. I hope everyone is feeling refreshed after our extended break.  I know this week may be a little crazy and overwhelming, however we will all be able to work together to do what is best for your child.  Please have a lot of grace and patience with me as I learn how best to support you and your child during this time.  I too will have a lot of grace for you and your family's struggles.  Please communicate with me regarding what is working and what is not working for your child.  If your child is struggling with a concept and needs additional teaching, I can meet with them individually or we could use one of our meeting times to do a mini lesson.  I am excited to see what God shows us all through these trying times!  Here is the link to our Webex Classroom: https://meetingsamer2.webex.com/meet/smckethan
You will use this same link every time that we meet.

Image result for bible verses related to growth with pictures

1.  To compare numbers with addition and subtraction using terms greater and smaller.
2.  To count groups of 10
3.  Identify, write, and name numbers to 40 with an understanding of what the tens and ones mean in each number.

  • We continue to work on addition and subtraction. In addition to our workbook pages, please practice several story problems (both addition and subtraction) with your student. Let them use manipulatives to solve the problem and have them write the equation (and number bond if applicable) that goes with the problem. These are in addition to your math journal entry.
  • We are also focusing on comparing numbers/equations using the terms greater and smaller. We will also be using the terms more than,  less than, and larger so please use all terminology. Follow the Introduction at the bottom of p.98, 102, 103
  • Continue practicing writing numbers correctly!
 1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with long a, long e and long i/silent e pattern.
2.  To be able to differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel sound.
3.  To continue to grow in reading fluency.
  • We are continuing our study of long vowels with silent e. This can be tricky for some students, so please take your time at home to ensure understanding. *Please do the "Optional Follow Up" on page 141.
  • Remember to review the previous lesson and all sight words introduced so far, before proceeding to the new lesson. Sight word "give" will be introduced this week. Our sight words so far are: a, the, of, have, give
  • Minibooks are what we have used in class all year.  HERE is a link to L70 minibook. HERE is a link to L71 minibook.  Allowing your child to illustrate the minibook is a great way to check their reading comprehension.  
  • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson.  HERE is a link to some Kindergarten and 1st grade level digital readers that your child can read online or you can print for them to read for their 15 minutes of reading time each day since I will not be providing little readers anymore.
1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly.

  • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation! Have your student self-correct any backward letter or number!
  • HERE is a link to the optional copywork which you can have your child work through slowly.
1.  To be able to spell words that have a double consonant (ff, ll, ss) by using our spelling rule.
2.  To be able to verbalize why we double the consonant in those words.

  • Introduce blue key card 10
  • Doubling the letters f, l, and s has already been covered in OPG for reading purposes. This lesson covers the rule for when to double those consonants when spelling them.
  • Please make sure to do your work in Spelling Journals.
Postponed for now.

1. Help students identify what wind is and how it is created.
  • Lesson 11: Wind.  The link to this lesson from the teacher's guide can be found here.  Please do the "Read to Children" section.  The vocabulary card for wind is not necessary to post anywhere, but it simply states:  Wind-the movement of air.  The activity suggestion (making a windsock) would be fun if you have time and the materials on hand.  Please post pictures on our Facebook page if you choose to do the activity or show us what you have made during one of our Webex call on Monday morning of next week.  I would also love to hear your student explain in their own words how wind is created (using the picture provided in the teacher guide as a reference).  If you record a video of their explanation you can email it to me or post on our Facebook page!
1.  To be able to sing the names of the southern states of the US.
2. To begin learning to draw the world map.
  • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
  •  Southern States of the US postponed for now.
    Memory Work

    1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
    • "Above the Bright Blue Sky" is our last poem of the year. 
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem,Geography song) 

    K week 273/30/20203/231/20204/1/20204/2/20204/3/2020Co-Teacher NotesNotes/Comments to Teachers:
    Notes*All items in pink are optional this week while we all figure out what this new model looks like!
    BibleWebex call @ 10:30 and 1:30 (at least one is required to be counted as present for the day)Read aloud: Washed with tears from JSB.Webex call @ 10:30 and/or 1:30.Read aloud: The Servant King from JSB.
    MathEM-B p92-94- Practice counting by 5's.EM-B p95-97 and math journalEM-B p98-99- Practice counting by 5's.EM-B p100-102 and math journal (Use unused math journal prompt from March).EM-B p103-104
    SpellingAAS-Step 18: Practice writing words using a paint brush and water on your driveway (or on handwriting paper).AAS-Step 18 p85-86 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 in spelling journal to return at some point :)AAS-Step 18 spelling review if needed.  Dictate and illustrate:  Her best dress is red. AAS-Step 19 p87-89 through "Spell with Tiles". Key Card 10
    WritingPractice writing first and last name (without a model) and numbers up to 40 on handwriting lines.CB pgs 38-39Handwriting journal: See note above to print. Have your child copy the first couple of lines with beautiful handwriting.CB pgs 40-41CB pgs 42-43
    ReadingReview silent e's "job" . It makes the vowel say its name! OPG-L69/70.  See note above to print optional minibook.OPG-L70 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.OPG L71: Minibook is optional, but helpful to check for reading comprehension.OPG-L71 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.Review L69-71Reading long vowel/silent e words with a, e, i, o
    Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Due 5/6

    Week 26 3/9-3/13

    Important Dates:
    3/9- Moms in Prayer 9:00-9:30
    3/11- Spirit Day!
    3/11- Co-teacher training 9:00-10:00
    3/16-3/20 -  SPRING BREAK!
    3/23 - Moms in Prayer 9:00-9:30
    3/25- Spirit Day and Pizza Day!
    3/25 - Parent Informational
    3/25 - Grammar Playdate
    3/27-3/29 - Spring Camping Trip!

    Last week before Spring break! This year is just flying by. Your kiddos have worked so hard and are making amazing progress. I am so thankful for this partnership with you and continue to pray for peaceful, productive homeschool days for all of you.

    *Please continue monitoring correct letter AND number formation. If your child writes one backward ask THEM to identify which one is backwards and self-correct.

    1.  To add or subtract from a number within 10
    2.  To use a number line to add or subtract
    3.  To understand the connection between number bonds and addition/subtraction
    4.   To understand how to solve simple story problems.

    • This week we focus on both addition and subtraction. We want students to see the connection between adding and subtracting. This can easily be seen with number bonds. In addition we are missing the "whole", while in subtraction we are missing a "part". We continue to use a number line to add and subtract (counting forward in addition and counting back in subtraction). Remember to read through the "Introduction" at the bottom of the math pages. This is an important part of the lesson!
    • Here is a link to some number bond flashcards. Please encourage your student to use manipulatives to figure these out for now.
     1.  To begin reading and accurately blending words and sentences with long a and long e/silent e pattern.
    2.  To be able to differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel sound.
    3.  To continue to grow in reading fluency.

    • We are continuing our study of long vowels with silent e. This can be tricky for some students, so please take your time at home to ensure understanding.
    • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
    1. To be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
    2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
    3. To be able to  write first and last name properly on handwriting lines.
    4. To be able to accurately copy a sentence (using handwriting lines) correctly.
    • Keep monitoring proper pencil grip and correct letter formation (letters start at the TOP or center...never from the bottom).

    1.  To be able to differentiate when to use a "c" vs "k" by using our spelling rule.
    2.  To be able to write simple phrases and sentences from dictation.

    • Please begin each lesson by reviewing all phonogram cards introduced thus far, as well as all key cards. Repetition is key for retention at this tender age. Make it fun! Do a jumping jack as you say each sound, clap your hands, snap your fingers, etc.
    • *A reminder: Once we have covered a certain skill in AAS, we should begin holding our students accountable for using those skills on their own. Encourage them to write words and sentences using the skills they have learned.
    • Please make sure to return Spelling Journals daily!
    1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
    2.  To see God's hand in every event.

    •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc
      1. Help children recognize how air change with the change in temperature.
      2.  Define vocabulary words:  expand and contract.

        1.  To be able to sing the names of the southern states of the US.
        2. To begin learning to draw the world map.

        • Click here for the Geography songs for the year.
        •  Southern States of the US due 4/1
        Memory Work
        1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.

        *"Above the Bright Blue Sky" is our last poem of the year. 

        *Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poems, Geography song)

        K week 263/9/20203/10/20203/11/20203/12/20203/13/2020Co-Teacher Notes
        BibleHave your student retell the Bible story from the Bible Bag that they brought home.Have your student retell the Bible story from the Bible Bag that they brought home.
        MathEM-B p85EM-B p86 and math journal: Write 1-20 on handwriting paperEM-B p87EM-B p88-89 and math journal: write 1-20 on handwriting paperEM-B p90-91
        SpellingAAS-Step 17AAS-Step 17 p82 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 in spelling journal to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 17AAS-Step 18 p83-85 through "Spell with Tiles" Key Card 9 and new Ph cards ck, ng, nk
        WritingOral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs 32-33Oral Narration and CopyworkCB pgs 34-35CB pgs 36-37
        ReadingOPG-L67OPG-L67 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.OPG-L68OPG-L68 and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.Review L67/68
        Long vowel "e" with silent e.
        HistoryLittle Pilgrims
        GeographyUnited States: Southern States - Due 4/1
        ScienceLesson 10: Temperature Affects Air
        Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Due 5/6