Kinder week 17 12/7-12/11

 Important Dates:

12/6 - Fortis Moms Christmas Wrapping Party at Kristi Martin's home 2:00-5:00
12/9 - Last day of class for grammar students and Christmas party in class with book exchange!
12/14 - 1/08:  Christmas Break!

What a wonderful blessing that we can continue reading and talking about the reason and meaning of Christmas in class this week. We pray that your Christmas is filled with the joy that is brought through knowing that He came for us! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and precious children with us. We love each one of them and will miss their smiling faces in the coming weeks. Snuggle them, love them, and enjoy this wonderful season with them. See you next year :)

It is a busy week!  Please remember to send a wrapped, classically appropriate, new or gently used, gender neutral book by Wednesday.

Our 4 week break is wonderful, but also a long time to not do school work. In order to avoid any regression,  you will definitely want to make sure your kiddo reads to you, reviews phonograms, and reviews some math concepts. Please use the word fans sent home last week as well as the poem copywork emailed to you last week to help review.  You've worked hard to get this far! Don't lose all the fruits of that investment!

1.  To be able to identify "how many more/less" a group has compared to the reference set.
2. To identify and name numbers 11-20
3. To make a group of tens within a set and count the leftovers to find a number.
4. To understand that numbers higher than 9 consist of tens and ones, and identify each quantity.
  • This week we are talking about tens and ones. When discussing numbers greater than 9, we learn that our numbers follow a pattern in the base 10 number system and have place value. That 1 in 12 is not just a 1; its value is 10. So, when we discuss teen numbers this week, we will be emphasizing "ten and 2" make 12.
1.  To read and accurately blend words that end with consonant blend "nk".
2.  To begin reading and accurately blending words with beginning blends.
  • We are spending this week on Lesson 53. Please make sure that you are reviewing previous lessons. Initial blends can take a bit longer to master.
1. To  be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to write name properly using only 1 capital letter.
4. To begin writing last name properly on handwriting lines.
  • Continue to work on first and last name with proper capitalization as well as writing upper and lowercase alphabet correctly on lined paper.
1. To be able to write short vowel a, i, o, and u. (CVC) words from dictation.

  • You will be introducing three new phonograms - th, sh, and ch. We've also covered phonogram nk in Reading, therefore you may add it to your phonogram cards.
1. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
2.  To see God's hand in every event.

1. To be able to name all 8 planets in order. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
2. To be able to give characteristics of each planet.
3. Understands the phases of the moon.
4. Understands that night and day are caused by the Earth's rotation.

1. To be able to point to and say the eastern states of the US on a map.
2. To begin learning to draw the world map by drawing a compass rose, equator, and prime meridian.
  •  Due 1/13. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. 
Memory Work
1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
  • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem,  Geography song)

K week 1712/7/202012/8/202012/9/202012/10/202012/11/2020Co-Teacher Notes
Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
BibleDiscuss: Get Ready! from JSB.Read Aloud: He's Here! from JSB.Discuss: He's Here!Read Aloud: The Light of the Whole World from JSB.
MathEM-B p19-20EM-B p21-23 and math journalEM-B p24End of 2nd Quarter
SpellingAAS-Step 9AAS-Step 9 p51-53 "Spell on Paper" in spelling journal and return tomorrow. New phonogram cards (th, sh, ch).AAS-Step 9
WritingCopyworkHWT 75-77CopyworkHWT 78-82We have finished the HWT book and will begin with the Copybook in January.
ReadingOPG-L53 (squ)OPG-L53 (squ) and 20 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L53 (sw, tw)OPG-L53 (sw, tw) and 20 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L53 REVIEWReading words with beginning consonant blends
HistoryLittle Pilgrims
GeographyUnited States: Eastern States - Due 01/13
ScienceChristmas Party
Memory WorkAbove the Bright Blue Sky Due 2/26

Kinder Week 16 11/30-12/4

Welcome back!!!! I hope that you had a restful Thanksgiving break and that you are reminded daily of all the blessings we have to be thankful for.

We have two busy weeks of school before Christmas break! On Wednesday, December 9th we will have a book exchange in our class. I ask that you bring a new or gently used wrapped, classically appropriate, gender neutral book. Please explain to your child in advance, as we will also, that an exchange means that they will be giving this book away to a friend and they will be going home with a new book to enjoy. :)

Image result for Luke bible verses with pictures

Important Dates:
11/23-11/27 - Thanksgiving Break
12/02 - Spirit Day
12/4 & 12/5 - Logic and Rhetoric Drama Presentation (Times TBD)
12/6 - Fortis Moms Christmas Wrapping Party at Kristi Martin's home 2:00-5:00
12/9 - Last day of class for grammar students
12/14 - 1/08:  Christmas Break!


1. To compare sets (using different strategies) to determine which set has more or less
2.  To compare numbers and quantities.
3. To be able to identify "how many more/less" a group has compared to the reference set.
  • This week we are comparing quantities and numbers. Make sure that you are using the terms greater and less as well as synonyms for these words, such as more, not as many, fewer, etc. Proper vocabulary with lots of discussions will help your child understand the concepts. Mid-week we move into the introduction to comparison operations (How many more? How many less?). This can be a very difficult concept for students to understand, so go into these lessons knowing that. Manipulatives and hands-on experiences are especially important for these lessons. Pair items and see how many are left over. In first grade this will lead into understanding that we can solve these problems with subtraction - but not yet! :)
1.  To read and accurately blend words that end with consonant blend "nk".
2.  To begin reading and accurately blending words with beginning blends.
  • You will note that we are spending this whole week on lesson 52. Beginning blends, especially r blends, can take a little longer for students to master. Please make sure that you give this lesson full attention each day, even though we are spending a whole week on it. It can be quite common for students (and adults!) to miss the pronunciation of r blends. A common mistake that we will be working on clarifying is the tr blend. This blend is often mistakenly pronounced as chr. It is especially important to pay attention to mouth and tongue placement during this lesson!
  •  Here is a helpful video for parents to help correct these common errors: 
  • This video will help parents help students practice and fix any errors they might encounter with the r:
1. To  be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
3. To be able to write name properly using only 1 capital letter.
4. To begin writing last name properly on handwriting lines.
  • Continue to work on first and last name with proper capitalization as well as writing upper and lowercase alphabet correctly on lined paper.
1. To be able to write short vowel a, i, and o (CVC) words from dictation.
  •  We are introducing key card 5 this week.
  • Begin each lesson by going over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards!
  • THURSDAY- Introduce "Step" and do lesson up to and including"Spell with Tiles."
    TUESDAY: Finish the lesson including "Spell on Paper"- Dictate the 10 words for your child to write in Spelling Journal. Practice "More Words" at home on dry erase board or journal. Please make sure to reinforce proper letter formation and writing correctly on the lined pages in the journal.
  • ****Spelling Journals will need to come to school every school day so I can check them!(Bring every day- Blue folder, Math book, Math Journal, Spelling Journal)
1. To be able to point to and say the eastern states of the US on a map.
2. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
3.  To see God's hand in every event.
    1. To be able to name all 8 planets in order. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
    2. To be able to give characteristics of each planet

    Planets Projects are due on Monday!

    1. To be able to point to and say the eastern states of the US on a map.
    2. To begin learning to draw the world map by drawing a compass rose, equator, and prime meridian.
    •  Due 1/13. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well. 
    Memory Work
    1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Geography song)
    • Our poem, Hymn Of Joy will be assessed this week! 12/2

    K week 1611/30/202012/1/202012/2/202012/3/202012/4/2020Co-Teacher Notes
    Read AloudRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
    BibleDiscuss: Daniel and the scary sleepoverRead Aloud: God's Messenger from JSB.Discuss: God's MessengerRead Aloud: Get Ready! from JSB.
    MathEM-B p10EM-B p11-12 and math journalEM-B p13-14EM-B p15-16 and math journalEM-B p17-18
    SpellingAAS-Step 8AAS-Step 8 p49 "Spell on Paper" in spelling journal and return tomorrow. Review "More Words"AAS-Step 8AAS-Step 9 p51-53 "Spell with Tiles." New Phonogram cards (th, sh, ch).
    WritingCopyworkHWT 69-71CopyworkHWT 72-74
    ReadingOPG-L52 (br, dr, cr)OPG-L52 (br, dr, cr) and 15 minutes from a leveled readerOPG-L52 (fr, gr, pr, tr)OPG-L52 (fr, gr, pr, tr) and 15 minutes from a leveled reader.Review OPG-L52Reading words with beginning consonant blends
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims -
    GeographyUnited States: Eastern States - Due 01/13
    SciencePlanets Project PresentationsPlanets Project Presentations
    Memory WorkHymn of Joy Assessed Wednesday

    Kinder Week 15 11/16-11/11/20

     Wow! It is hard to believe it is almost time for Thanksgiving break. There is so very much to be thankful for this year, including your precious children and wonderful partnership. We are so very blessed by you!

    Wednesday we will be having a Thanksgiving Dessert Feast during afternoon snack time!  The Pilgrims (Mrs. McKethan's class) and the Indians (Mrs. Talley's class) will eat together. Please look for the Sign Up Genius if you would like to contribute to this activity.  

    We pray that you will have a restful and refreshing Thanksgiving break with your families.

    Important Dates:
    11/16 - Moms in Prayer at 9:00 @ Agape BBQ
    11/18 - Spirit Day/Pizza Day
    11/23-11/27 - Thanksgiving Break
    12/02 - Spirit Day
    12/4 & 12/5 - Logic and Rhetoric Drama Presentation (Times TBD)
    12/6 - Fortis Moms Christmas Wrapping Party at Kristi Martin's home 2:00-5:00
    12/9 - Last day of class for grammar students
    12/14 - 1/08:  Christmas Break!


    1. To compare sets (using different strategies) to determine which set has more or less
    2.  To create a set that has 1 more/less than the given set
    3. To look at a numeral and be able to tell/write the numeral that is one more/less.
    • We will start Essentials book B on Monday. Please remember to send it every school day.
    1.  To read and accurately blend words that end with consonant blend "nk".
    2.  To begin reading and accurately blending words with beginning blends.
    • We are venturing into beginning blends and your kiddos are ready!! 
    • Lesson 50 introduces the sight word of. Kindergarten students now have 4 sight words: a, I, the, of. Our list of sight words will grow as we progress through the book. OPG is a phonics based reading program and we only introduce true sight words (words that do not follow rules and cannot be sounded out) and some high frequency words that children will encounter prior to learning the rule which will help them decode.
    • Please have your child reading from a book at their own level for at least 15 minutes each day.  
    1. To  be able to form all upper case letters properly on handwriting lines.
    2. To be able to form all lower case letters properly on handwriting lines.
    3. To be able to write name properly using only 1 capital letter.
    4. To begin writing last name properly on handwriting lines.
    • Continue to work on first and last name (if your child has mastered their first name) with proper capitalization as well as writing upper and lowercase alphabet correctly on lined paper.
    1. To be able to write short vowel a  (CVC) words from dictation.
    2. To be able to write short vowel i words from dictation.
    • THURSDAY- Introduce "Step" and do lesson up to and including"Spell with Tiles."
      TUESDAY: Finish the lesson including "Spell on Paper"- Dictate the 10 words for your child to write in Spelling Journal. Practice "More Words" at home on dry erase board or journal. Please make sure to reinforce proper letter formation and writing correctly on the lined pages in the journal.
    • ****Spelling Journals will need to come to school every school day so I can check them!(Bring every day- Blue folder, Math book, Math Journal, Spelling Journal)

    1. To be able to point to and say the Eastern states of the US on a map.
    2. To be able to describe key events in the Bible and to learn from them.
    3.  To see God's hand in every event.

    1. To be able to name all 8 planets in order. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
    2. To be able to give characteristics of each planet

    *You should have gotten the information about the planets project in your child's binder. Please spend some time this week researching some fun facts about the assigned planet and start planning how you are going to create your 3D model.

      1. To be able to point to and say the eastern states of the US on a map.
      2. To begin learning to draw the world map by drawing a compass rose, equator, and prime meridian.
      •  Due 1/13. Students will be required to sing the names of the States only. However, we will be pointing at them on the US map at school and you are welcome to print the map and do so as well.
      Memory Work
      1. To memorize "true, good, and beautiful" pieces and recite to the class.
      • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Geography song,)
      • Our poem, Hymn Of Joy will be assessed on 12/2

      K week 1511/16/202011/17/202011/18/202011/19/202011/20/2020Co-Teacher Notes
      DiscipleshipRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutesRead aloud or audio book for at least 20 minutes
      BibleDiscuss: A little servant girl and the proud general.Read Aloud: Operation "No More Tears" from JSB.Discuss: Operation No More Tears!"Read Aloud: Daniel and the Scary Sleepover
      MathEM-B p1EM-B p 2-3 and math journalEM-B p 4-5EM-B p 6-7 and math journalEM-B p 8-9Please make sure to pack the Math B book!
      SpellingAAS-Step 7AAS-Step 7 p46 "Spell on Paper" in spelling journal and return tomorrow. Review "More Words"AAS-Step 7AAS-Step 8  p47-48 through "Spell with Tiles." Key card 5
      WritingLowercase q,x,zHWT 62-65Lowercase reviewHWT 66-68
      ReadingOPG-L50OPG-L50 and 15 minutes of reading from a book on your child's level (child reads aloud).OPG-L51OPG-L51 and 15 minutes of reading from a book on your child's level (child reads aloud)Review L50/51
      HistoryLittle PilgrimsThanksgiving Feast during snack time!
      GeographyUnited States: Eastern States - Due 01/13
      ScienceWork on Planets Project Due 12/2Lesson 16: ConstellationsWork on Planets Project Due 12/2
      Memory WorkHymn of Joy Poem Due 12/2