4-3 to 4-7 Kindergarten HW

Kinder 294/3/20174/4/20174/5/20174/6/20174/7/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipPerseverence (Habit of Right Doing) + Proverbs 3:1-22
MathEM-B p119-122EM-B p123-126EM-B p127-128EM-B p129EM-B p130Math Buddies: Numbers to 40
ReadingOPG-L79OPG-*Review Lessons 75-79OPG-L80OPG-L80OPG-L80
CompositionCB-p68-69CB-p70-71Copywork through Oral Narration
SpellingAAS-Step 20 AAS-Step 20 p92-93 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 on manuscript paper to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 20 AAS-Step 21 p95-96 through "Spell with Tiles"
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p92-102 A Nation Grows StrongLittle Pilgrims - p92-102 A Nation Grows StrongFocus: Theodore Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, First and Second World War
GeographyUS Locations (song)  Due 4/26
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/1

Important Dates: 
4-26: US States Assessed
5-1: All Things Bright and Beautiful assessed

Image result for bible verses with pictures  about new growth

We had so much fun this past week planting beautiful flowers in our new Kindergarten planting boxes! We are enjoying getting our hands dirty and have a few more plant projects up our sleeves :)

There is some great practice for numbers to 40 and tens/ones under Math Buddies! It's a great resource!

Objectives: Identify, write and name numbers to 40, with an understanding of what the tens and ones mean in each number; understand that numbers have order, and be able to order numbers up to 40; understand the order of events and the concept of "first".
  • Please continue reviewing tens and ones place! (ex: use beans to show number 36: 3 groups of 10 and 6 ones; Can you write down the number that has 2 tens and 7 ones?; How many tens and ones does number 42 have?; What does 3 tens really mean? 30!) This can be a difficult concept for some students. 
  • This week we are ordering. Please make sure that you are doing the activities in the Introduction at the bottom of the page. Remind students that we can order from beginning to end, end to beginning, largest to smallest, smallest to largest. 
    Objectives: to read and accurately blend words and sentences with hard and soft c and g; to be able to verbalize understanding of the spelling rule applying to the sounds of c and g; to read words and sentences with both sounds of /s/.
    • READ, READ, READ! Have your child read to you at least 15 minutes a day! 
    • Remember to begin the lessons by reviewing our current sight words and reading over words/sentences from previous lessons. *Reviewing and repetition is key!
    • This week we are reviewing soft and hard c/g. We are also focusing on long vowel words where /s/ stands for the /z/ sound.
    • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
    Composition (see table)
    Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy sentences, using handwriting lines correctly.
    • see table
    Objectives:  To be able to spell words that have "ng" at the end.
    • We have already been practicing the phonogram ng in reading. In this lesson students will build upon their knowledge to apply the phonogram to spelling.
    • Remember to begin each lesson by going over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards.  
    • Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    • see table
    •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of the 50 US states.
    • The assessment of the names of the 50 states will be on April 26th. 

    Objectives: to be able to identify the parts of a plant and what their job is; to describe the life cycle of a plant; to be able to discuss God's purpose for plants.
    • Your child should have come home with a cup containing a bean plant. We have learned that a seed needs warmth, water, and air to grow.  Most of the plants grew well, but a few had not yet grown.  Ask them to describe what is happening and identify parts. Please extend this study as much as you would like at home.
    • Use the science syllabus that was given out at the beginning of the year to study plants along with us at home. This is not required, but spring provides a wonderful opportunity to explore and marvel at God's creation! It is so beautiful to see how He has made everything to work together!

    Memory Work  
    • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song)
    • Memorization of good, true and beautiful things is a part of our wonderful classical education!

    3-27 to 3-31 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 283/27/20173/28/20173/29/20173/30/20173/31/2017Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipPerseverance (Work) + Proverbs 3:1-21
    MathEM-B p104-105EM-B p106-108EM-B p109-111EM-B p112-114EM-B p115-118
    CompositionCB-p64-65CB-p66-67Copywork through Oral Narration
    SpellingAAS-Step 19AAS-Step 19 p90 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 on manuscript paper to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 19AAS-Step 20 p91-92 through "Spell with Tiles" 
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p92-102 A Nation Grows StrongLittle Pilgrims - p92-102 A Nation Grows StrongFocus: Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, F. D. R.
    GeographyUS Locations (song) Due 4/26
    Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Due 5/1

    Important Dates: 
    3-29: Pizza Day
    4-26: US States Assessed
    5-1: All Things Bright and Beautiful assessed

    Spring is here, and your little ones are certainly growing before our eyes! Do not grow weary as you continue your task of teaching at home! The seeds you are planting, and the time with your children is something you will cherish for years to come.

    Objectives: Identify, write and name numbers to 40, with an understanding of what the tens and ones mean in each number; understand that numbers have order, and be able to order numbers up to 40.
    • We are working with numbers to 40 this week - ordering, counting, writing, and understanding the tens place.  While working with numbers, continue to address the pattern that our number system follows. We see this order (0-9) in the tens places as well as the ones place. A number chart is particularly helpful for recognizing the patterns. You can find two different number charts on the main blog page under Curricula -> Math -> Singapore Math Resources -> Number Gird and Ten Frames or  here.
      Objectives: to read and accurately blend words and sentences with hard and soft c and g; to be able to verbalize understanding of the spelling rule applying to the sounds of c and g.
      • Remember to begin the lessons by reviewing our current sight words and reading over words/sentences from previous lessons. *Reviewing and repetition is key!
      • This week we focus on the hard and soft sounds of "c" and "g". We learned in AAS that when "c" is followed by e, i, or y, it makes the soft sound. The same rule applies for "g".
      • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
      Composition (see table)
      Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy sentences, using handwriting lines correctly.
      • see table
      Objectives:  To be able to spell words that have a 'k' or 'ck' at the end; to be able to verbalize when and why we would use each one.
      • It is so exciting to see our kinder kiddos learning and memorizing spelling rules! It will serve them well in the years to come! 
      • Introduce blue key card 10
      • Remember to begin each lesson by going over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards.  
      • Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
          Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
          •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc
          • We will be focusing on Thomas Edison and Theodore Roosevelt this week.


          Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of the 50 US states.
          • The assessment of the names of the 50 states will be on April 26th.  

          Objectives: to be able to identify the parts of a plant and what their job is; to describe the life cycle of a plant; to be able to discuss God's purpose for plants.
          • Make sure you are getting outdoors in this beautiful weather and exploring nature! Make observations about plants. Ask your student "What do you notice?" or "Tell me everything you can about this."
          • Here's a fun song we will be singing in class:
          Parts of a Plant (tune: head, shoulders, knees and toes)

          Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
          leaves and roots.
          Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
          leaves and roots.
          All it takes is water, air, and light!
          Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
          leaves and roots.

          Memory Work  

          • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song)
          • Memorization of good, true and beautiful things is a part of our wonderful classical education!

          3-20 to 3-24 Kindergarten HW

          Kinder 273/20/20173/21/20173/22/20173/23/20173/24/2017Co-Teacher Notes
          DiscipleshipPerseverance (Diligence) + Proverbs 3:1-20
          MathEM-B p92-94EM-B p95-97EM-B p98-99EM-B p100-102EM-B p103
          ReadingOPG-L75OPG-L75OPG-L76OPG-L76OPG- Review L75/76
          CompositionCB-p60-61CB-p62-63Copywork through Oral Narration
          SpellingAAS-Step 18AAS-Step 18 p85-86 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 on manuscript paper to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 18AAS-Step 19 p87-89 through "Spell with Tiles". Key Card 10
          HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p92-102 A Nation Grows StrongFocus: Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt, F. D. R.
          SciencePlantsPlants:  "Stem Study" Worksheet will be sent home."Stem Study" Worksheet due Monday
          GeographyUS Locations (song) Due 4/26
          Memory WorkAll Things Bright and Beautiful Due 5/1

          Important Dates: 
          3-27:  "Stem Study" Worksheet Due
          3-29: Pizza Day
          4-26: US Location Song Due

          Welcome back! We are so excited to see all the sweet faces again! We hope everyone is feeling refreshed after our wonderful little break. We jump right back into learning this week with beautiful weather for learning about plants. You have all worked so hard with your children! We are almost to the finish line!

          *For Thursday's science homework you will need a stem of some sort (ex: celery, carnation flower, etc) and food coloring. It will require you to leave it in the colored water for 24 hours and then record observations.

          Objectives: compare numbers with addition and subtraction using terms greater and smaller; count groups of 10; identify, write and name numbers to 40, with an understanding of what the tens and ones mean in each number.
          • We continue to work on addition and subtraction. In addition to our workbook pages, please practice several story problems (both addition and subtraction) with your student. Let them use manipulatives to solve the problem and have them write the equation that goes with the problem. 
          • We are also focusing on comparing numbers/equations using the terms greater and smaller. We will also be using the terms more than,  less than, and larger so please use all terminology. Follow the Introduction at the bottom of p.98, 102, 103
            Objectives: to read and accurately blend words and sentences with all long vowels/silent e pattern; to be able to differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel word; to be able to read words/sentences with the short vowel 'ck' changing to long vowel 'k' with silent e.
            • Remember to begin the lessons by reviewing our current sight words and reading over words/sentences from previous lessons. *Reviewing and repetition is key!
            • Sight words :to, two, and too are introduced this week. 
            • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
            Composition (see table)
            Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy sentences, using handwriting lines correctly.
            • see table
            Objectives:  To be able to spell words that have a double consonant (ff,ll,ss) by using our spelling rule; to be able to verbalize why we double the consonant in those words.
            • Introduce blue key card 9
            • Doubling the letters f, l, and s has already been covered in OPG for reading purposes. This lesson covers the rule for when to double those consonants when spelling them.
            • Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
                Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
                • We are learning about some amazing inventors this week, who through perseverance and God given talents, greatly contributed to our nation! Feel free to explore GW Carver and Thomas Edison further. You might inspire your own little scientist!
                •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc


                Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of the 50 US states.

                *Remember that the goal is to be able to name the 50 States. You are free to use a different resource than the one provided, if needed.

                To be assessed 4/26 (*Extended date)

                Objectives: to be able to identify the parts of a plant and what their job is; to describe the life cycle of a plant; to be able to discuss God's purpose for plants.
                • Throughout our unit on plants, we will be focusing on plant parts, plant needs, life cycle of a plant, and God's purpose for plants.
                • Worksheet "Stem Study". Please return on Monday so students can share their findings with the class.
                • Here's a fun song we will be singing in class:
                Parts of a Plant (tune: head, shoulders, knees and toes)

                Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
                leaves and roots.

                Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
                leaves and roots.
                All it takes is water, air, and light!
                Flower, stem, leaves, and roots.
                leaves and roots.
                Memory Work  

                • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song)

                3-6 to 3-10 Kindergarten HW

                Kinder 263/6/20173/7/20173/8/20173/9/20173/10/2017Co-Teacher Notes
                DiscipleshipPerseverence + Proverbs 3:1-20Math Buddies: Number bonds
                MathEM-B p85EM-B p86EM-B p87EM-B p88-89EM-B p90-91
                ReadingOPG-L72OPG-L73OPG-L74OPG-L74Review L72-74Review long vowel/silent e for all vowels
                CompositionCB-p56-57CB-p58-59Copywork through Oral Narration
                SpellingAAS-Step 17AAS-Step 17 p82 "Spell on Paper" and "Dictate Phrases" 1-3 on manuscript paper to return tomorrow.AAS-Step 17AAS-Step 18 p83-85 through "Spell with Tiles" Key Card 9 and new Ph cards ck, ng, nk
                HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p86-91 The Nation GrowsLittle Pilgrims - p86-91 The Nation GrowsFocus: The War Between the States, Robert E. Lee, Abe Lincoln
                GeographyUS Locations (song) 
                Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/1 (Look for link below!)
                Important Dates: 
                3-13 to 3-17: Spring break
                3-15: Priority re-enrollment deadline
                3-29: Pizza day!

                Last week before Spring break! This year is just flying by. Your kiddos have worked so hard and are making amazing progress. We are so blessed for this partnership with you and continue to pray for peaceful, productive homeschool days for all of you.

                This week we study Abraham Lincoln. Here are a few of his famous quotes worth pondering:

                “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” 
                ― Abraham Lincoln

                “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” 
                ― Abraham Lincoln

                “I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.” 
                ― Abraham Lincoln

                “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.” 
                ― Abraham Lincoln

                Objectives: to add or subtract from a number within 10;to  use a number line to add or subtract; to understand the connection between number bonds and addition/subtraction; understand how to solve simple story problems.
                • This week we focus on both addition and subtraction. We want students to see the connection between adding and subtracting. This can easily be seen with number bonds. In addition we are missing the "whole", while in subtraction we are missing a "part". We continue to use a number line to add and subtract (counting forward in addition and counting back in subtraction). Remember to read through the "Introduction" at the bottom of the math pages. This is an important part of the lesson!
                • Number bond practice on MATH BUDDIES!
                  Objectives: to read and accurately blend words and sentences with all long vowels/silent e pattern; to be able to differentiate between a short vowel and a long vowel word.
                  • We are continuing our study of long vowels with silent e and open syllable (we will cover this later in All About Spelling, but OPG provides a friendly way to explain it to your child right now in lesson 73). 
                  • We have covered all vowels with silent e!
                  • Transitioning from reading just short vowel words to reading long vowel words can require extra time and practice; that is why we are slowly working our way through these lessons. Please bring in the All About Spelling key cards to guide your child if they are missing words. For example, "A vowel's first sound is short. Is there anything in this word that will make this vowel long? A silent e? The last and only vowel? So, will this vowel make its long or short sound? Good! Let's try that word again!"
                  • Please follow up each lesson and mini book review, by having your child read to you, a book at their appropriate level. This should be done at a separate time of the day from their OPG lesson. 
                  Composition (see table)
                  Objectives: To write the capital letters and lower case letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write first and last names correctly on handwriting paper; to be able to accurately copy a sentence, using handwriting lines correctly.
                  • see table
                  Objectives:  To be able to differentiate when to use a "c" vs. a "k" by using our spelling rule.

                  • Please begin each lesson by reviewing all phonogram cards introduced this far, as well as all key cards. Repetition is key for retention at this tender age. Make it fun! Do a jumping jack as you say each sound, clap your hands, snap your fingers, etc.
                  • *A reminder: Once we have covered a certain skill in AAS, we should begin holding our students accountable for using those skills on their own. Encourage them to write words and sentences using the skills they have learned.
                  • Please make sure to put the paper from 'Spell on Paper' in the green folder, so that we can check it every Wednesday. Paper used for spelling in kindergarten should be manuscript lined paper (with a top, mid, and bottom line) to reinforce proper letter formation.
                      Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
                      •  Song for the semester:  The Star-Spangled Banner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKp29Luryc


                      Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the name of the 50 US states.

                      *Rememver that the goal is to be able to name the 50 States. You are free to use a different resource than the one provided, if needed.
                      United States Locations – States

                      To be assessed 4/5
                      Northern States
                      Audio Player
                      Southern States
                      Audio Player
                      Eastern States
                      Audio Player
                      Pacific States
                      Audio Player
                      Middle States
                      Audio Player

                        Objectives: to be able to identify the parts of a plant and what their job is; to describe the life cycle of a plant; to be able to discuss God's purpose for plants.
                        • This week we begin our unit on "Plants". We are excited to spend a few weeks learning all about God's marvelous creation! Weather permitting, we hope to dig into some hands-on exploration.
                        Memory Work  
                        • "All things Bright and Beautiful" is our last poem of the year. In class we are singing it to this tune:
                        • Please take a few minutes each homeschool day to review memory work! (Poem, Proverbs verses, Geography song)