10-3 to 10-7 Kindergarten HW

Kinder 910/3/201610/4/201610/5/201610/6/201610/7/2016Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipObedience + Proverbs 3:1-6
MathEM-A p89-91EM-A p92-94EM-A p95-97EM-A p98-99EM-A p100-102 WS:"Solid Shape Scavenger Hunt"Math Buddies "Exploring Plane and Solid Shapes"
ReadingOPG-L41OPG-L41OPG-L42OPG-L42review short vowels; double consonants
CompositionHW-f,gCB-p20-23, letters f,g onlyHW-h,i,jCB-p20-23, letters h,i,j onlyOral Narration
SpellingReview Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p21-29 God's Great PromiseLittle Pilgrims - p21-29 God's Great PromiseFocus: Ancient Egypt
GeographySouth America Due 10/19, Continents and Oceans due 12/5
Memory Work Quarter 2 Poem Due 12/5
Important Dates: 
10/3- Quarter 1 poem assessed
10/24 -Picture Retakes
10/26- Pizza Day!
10/28- Dodge Ball Tournament!
10/31- Historical dress up day

The end of this week will mark the end of our first quarter!! How did that happen so fast?! It is so neat to witness how much these little ones have already learned! Thank you, fabulous co-teachers! What an amazing blessing it is that we all get to partner in this awesome task of educating these precious children. We pray for you as much as we pray for your children.

 We are going to give you the Objective for the week in the notes below, bearing in mind that your student may need more than what is in the box above to meet the objectives.  Feel free to ask us if you need any help making your home days work for you and your child.  This is just one of the beautiful things about our model :)

Objectives: name, recognize and order numbers 1-10; identify and compare basic shapes; recognize solid shapes, identify basic shapes on solids.
  • While learning about shapes this week, we will pay special attention to the attributes of each shape. Be sure to incorporate this into your home lessons. Ex: "How do we know this is a square and not a rectangle? A square has four sides that are the same. A rectangle has 2 short sides and 2 longer sides. They both have 4 corners/vertices."
  • IMPORTANT: When studying three-dimensional shapes, we will use the correct terminology rectangular prism and not box. Please use the correct terminology at home as well.
  • Please have your child complete ws: "Solid Shape Scavenger Hunt". Please return Monday to share with the class.
  • **Please continue reviewing numbers 1-10. Students should be able to name each number in isolation, quickly and accurately.
Objectives: to read and accurately blend words that end in a double consonant (ss, ff, ll); to read and accurately blend words that end with "ck"; to begin reading sentences with current sight words and CVC words.
  • "Two Review and One New" on page 92 will be a part of every lesson. Please make sure that you include this in your daily lesson every time.

Objectives: To write the capital letters correctly (typically top to bottom/left to right) on handwriting paper; to write the lower case letters (introduced so far) correctly on handwriting paper.
  • You may find it helpful to have the exact wording we use when teaching proper handwriting of the lower case letters. These are the ones we have covered through this week:
 a- make a magic c, go up and down (one stroke)
b- start at the top, go back up to dotted line and circle around (one stroke)
c- curve to the left (one stroke)
d- make a magic c, go way up and down (one stroke)
e- across to the right, up and around (one stroke)
f- curve to the left, go straight down and cross (two strokes)
g- make a magic c, go up, then way down and curve (one stroke)
h- start at the top, come straight down, back up and one hump (one stroke)
i- start at dotted line, pull down and dot (two strokes)
j- start at dotted line, go straight down and curve (or hook) to the left (one stroke)
  • In class we introduced the "bed" trick for telling the difference between lower case b and d. 
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGTFB54WodQ

Objectives: To master the name and sound of the 26 letters of the alphabet; to orally blend single phonemes into a CVC word fluently. To be able to write the 26 phonograms from dictation.
  • Continue to review steps 1-4. Every daily lesson should include review of phonograms (yellow cards) and key cards (blue cards).
    Objectives: to gain an understanding that history began with God and creation; to see God's hand in every event.
    • This week we are discussing Moses and King David. 

    Objectives: to identify and name the continents and oceans on a map; to sing the names of the countries in South America, and to learn different ways to pray for those countries.

    South America

    To be assessed 10/19
    Audio Player
    Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia
    Ecuador, Peru, and Chile and Bolivia
    Uruguay and Paraguay, Brazil and Guyana
    And Suriname
    These are the countries of South America.
    The French have French Guiana.
    The British have the Falkland islands.
    Brazil is the biggest country and Chile is the longest.
    Objectives: to be able to name some ways insects are helpful; to gain an understanding of the purpose insects have in God's world.
    • This week we are focusing on God's purpose for insects. 
    Memory Work  (see table)

    • Hymn of Joy will be introduced Wednesday. You can find this poem in the kindergarten syllabus. This poem will be assessed on December 5th.

    Hymn Of Joy by Henry Van Dyke

    Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,

    God of glory, Lord of love;

    hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee,

    Opening to the Sun above,

    Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
    drive the dark of doubt away;
    Giver of immortal gladness,
    fill us with the light of day!

    9-26 to 9-30 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 89/26/20169/27/20169/28/20169/29/20169/30/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipFaith + Proverbs 3:1-6
    MathEM-A p79-80EM-A p.81-82EM-A p.83EM-A p84-86EM-A p87-88Optional Math Buddies: Counting Back From 10
    ReadingOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readers
    Review reading short vowel words and sentences
    CompositionHW- a, bCB-p20-23, letters a, b onlyHW-c,d,eCB-p20-23, letters c,d,e only
    Oral Narration


    Review Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p21-29 God's Great Promise
    Little Pilgrims - p21-29 God's Great Promise

    Focus: Ancient Egypt

    GeographySouth America Due 10/19, Continents and Oceans due 12/5
    Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 10/3

    Important Dates: 

    9/28 - Pizza Day

    “If you love me, keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-  the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 
    John 14:15-17

    • Please go over "Introduction" and "One Step Further" at the bottom of pages 81 & 82 (Tuesday) and pages 84 & 88 (Thursday/Friday). 
    • We are working on number order (1-10) and reverse number order (10-0). Please practice counting backwards from 10-0.
    • Here is the link to a fun game we play in class called "Where's the Worm?" just in case you want to do it at home:  http://www.kindergartenkindergarten.com/2010/07/wheres-the-worm-number-id-game.html

    • We are reviewing reading words and sentences with short vowels. Please review lessons 34-36 on Tuesday and lessons 37-40 on Thursday/Friday.
    • Have your child read past OPG readers for practice along with the additional short vowel readers we send this week.

    Composition (see table)

    • Go over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards at least twice a day.
    • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
    • Continue blending and segmenting words and alphabetizing the letters.


    • Our adorable caterpillars transformed into beautiful butterflies this past week and we were able to release them to enjoy God's creation! We will begin talking about God's purpose for insects this week.
    Memory Work  (see table)

    9-19 to 9-23 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 79/19/20169/20/20169/21/20169/22/20169/23/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipFaith + Proverbs 3:1-5
    MathEM-A p72EM-A p73-74EM-A p75EM-A p76-77EM-A p78Optional Math Buddies: Count to 10
    ReadingOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readersOPG-L27-40 Review, short vowel CVC readers
    Practice blending and reading CVC words
    CompositionHW-review uppercaseCB-p16HW-review uppercaseCB-p17, p18
    Oral Narration


    Review Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p14-20 God Made Many Nations
    Little Pilgrims - p14-20 God Made Many Nations

    Focus: Noah's Ark

    GeographyGreenland and Canada Due 9/21, Continents and Oceans due 12/5, Introduce South America due 10/19
    Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 10/3

    Important Dates: 
    9/21 - Greenland and Canada Songs Due
    9/28 - Pizza Day

    We are really starting to see some light bulbs going off in reading! It is so amazing to see the wonder and excitement in the children as they begin this process. One of the many blessings of teaching Kindergarten!


    •  We are really working on not only identifying and writing numbers 0-10, but also looking at different ways to form those numbers. In class, we do this through the use of subitizing cards, ten frames, etc. Although it may seem as though we are moving slowly, please know that our goal is to really give the children a strong foundation in number sense. Numbers are beautiful! They are everywhere! Take a look around at God's wonderful creation and see where numbers can be found. 

    • We are reviewing reading words and sentences with short vowels. Please review lessons 27-29 on Tuesday and lessons 30-33 on Thursday/Friday.
    • Have your child read past OPG readers for practice along with the WORD FANS that you can print and cut into word strips. Our goal is for our students to be able to blend CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words accurately in order to read the word. 

    Composition (see table above)

    • Go over yellow phonogram cards and blue key cards at least twice a day.
    • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
    • Continue blending and segmenting words (ex: cat=c/a/t, c/a/t=cat)

    • Our classroom caterpillars have all formed a chrysalis! We are marveling at God's creation!
    Memory Work 

    • We will be working on memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23  (KJV) during this school year. We will focus on building one verse at a time. We will go over the verse in class and use that verse as copy work.  Be sure to add this to your memory work at home. It is also a great time to discuss with your child what these verses mean and tuck God's word into their little hearts.

    9-12 to 9-16 Kindergarten HW

    Kinder 69/12/20169/13/20169/14/20169/15/20169/16/2016Co-Teacher Notes
    DiscipleshipFaith + Proverbs 3:1-4
    MathEM-A p64EM-A p65-66EM-A p67EM-A p68-69EM-A p70-71Review writing numbers 1-10, Optional Math Buddies: Count to 10
    ReadingOPG-L39OPG-L39OPG-L40OPG-L40Review reading words with all short vowels
    CompositionHW-B,JCB-p15, letters B, JHW-P, RCB-p15, letters U, P, ROral Narration
    SpellingReview Steps 1-4 as needed, to master 26 phonograms, segmenting, etc
    HistoryLittle Pilgrims - p14-20 God Made Many NationsLittle Pilgrims - p14-20 God Made Many NationsFocus: Noah's Ark/Tower of Babel
    GeographyGreenland and Canada Due 9/21, Continents and Oceans due 12-5
    Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem Due 10/3

    Important Dates: 
    9/21 - Greenland and Canada (song only)
    9/28 - Pizza Day
    10/3 - Quarter 1 poem assessed 

    Another wonderful week in kindergarten! We hope that your days at home are going well, and that your family has settled into a good schooling routine. We are continuing to enjoy getting to know your little ones! Remember that we are here to answer any questions or offer help and support in any way.

    Math (see table above)
    • Continue to make story problems a part of your daily routine!

    • Cards for lesson 40 in OPG were sent out via email. 
    • Please take this time to review reading short vowel words. It is perfectly normal if your child is not quick and fluent yet at reading the words, but we do want to make sure they are sounding out and blending the word at the end.
    • We will send a link to WORD FANS this week. You may print them out and assemble them at home. This is a great way to practice reading short vowel words.

    Composition (see table above)

    • Daily phonogram review and instruction. Focus on mastery of our 26 phonograms!
    • Please continue to review AAS steps 1-4. We will resume with step 5 in a few weeks.
    • Dictate phonogram sounds for your student to write. Have fun with it! Use sidewalk chalk outside, shaving cream, a tray of salt, etc. (Or just use a dry erase board) 
    • Here are 2 fun songs to play word games with:
    Tune: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
    Listen, listen to my word,
    Tell me all the sounds you heard: /dog/
    Student segments word into phonemes: /d/ /o/ /g/
    Tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It"
    If you think you know this word,
    shout it out.
    If you think you know this word,
    shout it out.
    If you think you know this word,
    then tell me what you heard.
    If you think you know this word,
    shout it out.
    /d / /o/ /g/
    Student blends phonemes into word: /dog/
    Do with several 2 and 3 phoneme words: add, eat, hi, lie, way, and, bite, cut, jug, note, nap, sip,....

    • Creation song for the semester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoehyq6X650

    • Continents and Oceans : Please refer to map in green folders.
    •  Song  for practice: http://fortisacademy.wordpress.com/curriculum/geography/.  Students will be asked to point to each continent and ocean as they sing the song.
    • Greenland and Canada

      To be assessed on 9/21
      Audio Player
      The biggest island in the north is Greenland.
      It’s in the north Atlantic, northeast of Canada.
      A land of ice and snow, of fish and eskimos.
      The Danish people settled there and called it Greenland.
      Nova Scotia and Manitoba,
      Ontario, Prince Edward Island,
      New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Alberta
      and British Columbia
      Yukon Territory, Nunavut, Saskatchewan,
      Northwest Territories and Quebec


    • Our live caterpillars will make their debut on Monday! We are excited to see them grow!

    Memory Work (see table above)